TheToolFaggot deleted all his posts in this sub and is trying to pretend his faggotry never happened.

78  2019-04-29 by beigedocumentaryfan

You cant run from your past, fat man. You will always be known as the biggest, ugliest faggot on this sub who wasnt a junkie.


u/TheToolMan Fuck you cunt.

in hindsight spaceedge nuking the sub was a lot better than if he stepped down and gave it to toolman. it would have just been spaceedge 2.0

Wasn’t he worse than spaceedge initially? He was the one that first deleted posts that went after someone he agreed with politically.

Toolfag is basically a non-junkie version of Spacefag so he had a better work ethic when it came to being a faggot mod.

He needs to be hung

Bulbous fuck

We know what he did and what he is.

He is even fatter than (Redacted because he is a butthurt reporting baby) on the other sub.

Yes, I too swear never to mention his username again.

I aint giving him an excuse, though I have a JoesCamera account locked and loaded, I made it when the fat faggot banned me for calling him a fat faggot.

Your username is offensive to fat junkie thieves. I'm not sure if you are aware sir.

Better make a PatsCamera now

What did he do?

He was fat and used black buys penises and mouthwash recepticles.

He was spaceedge's sycophant for years then turned on him an hour before the sub got nuked and came here acting like a martyr.

I've looked over the evidence and can confirm that he is a fat slob. Hope that helps!

Fuck what happened I dozed off for a moment

Two niggers stole our truck, you believe that shit?

At least junkies have some excuse

He's just as big a faggot as spaceedge. Don't ever let that shitbird be a mod here please.

If he ran from his past, he'd lose weight.

I love the new awakening. Purge the absolute faggots of the old world. May we become more savage than ever. Monster rain.

I like how he can't just delete his account because he actually cares about his faggot karma

What a tool


What did he do

Fuck that is pathetic. I like how he tried to shmooz into here as if he was never a faggot on the original O&A sub. Responding to every comment criticizing him.

Oh yeah more shitty mod drama, just as the sub has been decimated and turned into a Patrick fan club. I give this place 2-3 months tops before another spinoff sub splinters it into few hundred core users

Shush child, let the grownups speak...

He was basically what SpaceEdge would be like, if he had not made low quality white trash-ball efforts to be "cool" like vaping and wearing stylish Nigga hats.

He was the straight edge, desk job, shaves everyday even though he doesn't grow facial hair anyway, soft hands, cankles, programmer body, version of SpaceEdge, who was all of those things but also a sad, weak, pathetic chaser of being "hip." They were mirror images. One was a virgin, the other a juggalo. (rapist)

He can’t run from anything, must less his faggy history.

He was always a complete piece of shit.

Good. He perma-banned me for one fucking crosspost. Fuck him.

I also heard this fat fuck is so fat and lazy that he pees on himself instead of going to the bathroom like a decent human being.

Don't let BigGreenHomo off the hook either. That fence riding faggot thought he was the "cool mod" when he was really just SpaceEdge's bitch. Also, another reminder that SpaceEdge is a morbidly obese heroin junkie with a dead eye. All three of you are fucking hacks.

I’m sure he’s still here under an alt.
