Sons of Anarchy was so subtle, no wonder Joe loved it.

95  2019-04-28 by Mintwa


I really liked Rollins in SoA. Didn't know him until then. Really disappointed he turned out to be such a massive faggot.

What are you, 5?

No, I'm not American

Just pretend to like Black Flag like everyone else under 30.

I’m from DC and I never liked Black Flag... actually, The First four Years with every singer BUT Rollins is pretty amazing.

Folks overlook the whole Punk scene started because of a upper class private school (Georgetown Day).

I remember Ian!

From my experience, the DC punks were generally upper-middle class, but most of the smaller, lesser known bands (outside Black Flag, Fugazi, Minor Threat & Bad Brains) playing in the city and making the bulk of the scene were from Richmond/VA beach & Tidewater area.. The skinhead/hardcore punks specifically going to Hatebreed shows were from the VA/MD suburbs.

So I’ve thought the scene has always been pretty divided amongst regions, which also made it a socio-economic thing. By the time Emo & Screamo made its mark on the city, I’d been relegated to Oí! bands, which kinda leaves you in a grey zone of trying to pick and choose good bands that are A-political and not Antifa ir Neo Nazi influences.

It ain’t easy listening to real punk music in DC these days.

Im not trying to dox you or any bullshit like that. It's rare to run into someone who also grew up around that time.

You hit it head on. I wasn't around for the Emo/Screamo phase. I remember it being a skinhead/punk/metal thing for awhile.

Actually, alot of fights between the punk/metal heads. Usually at the same shows too, which is funny if you think about it.

I'm over 30

You should watch this old Charlie Sheen flick called "The Chase". Henry plays a cop in it.

I'm no Laurence Olivier, but his acting is kinda one note.

Television writing is even worse now than in the 90s. At least on "ER" a black doctor would've saved his life in an ironic twist of fate.

I remember the blond in that being 90's hot as fuck.

Kristy Swanson brotherman

You should just read Hamlet. It’s the same story but without the thinly veiled repressed homosexuality

"Listen pal, I didn't pull these statistics out of my ass. 13% of the population. 50% of the violent crime. They speak for themselves. Equality? That's just an underground railroad I'm not willing to ride. Now bite the curb."

Lol at Einstürzende Neubauten tattoo. SoA writers are literal morons

Maybe because nobody besides Europoors know who that is

Why you still call them europoors while standard of life in most euro countries is better than in usa? Coping huh :>

Why you still call them europoors while standard of life in most euro countries is better than in usa?


Don't forget to ignore the tax rape and low quality of services, not to mention that this even exists due to how poor everyone is that they can't afford proper private care. Hey though, who doesn't prefer a bus or a bike to their own car, right Europoor?

Coping huh :> Also typical american being proud of his own ignorance lmao


Hey though, who doesn't prefer a bus or a bike to their own car, right Europoor?

Not to defend smug Europeans, but a lot of that is cultural & I can't imagine many people envy the horrendous state of North American infrastructure & 400lbs soccer moms & O&A moderators driving around on it.

Not to defend smug Europeans, but a lot of that is cultural

Ah yes the culture of loving slow and smelly public transport or having to expose yourself to weather and the risk of being crippled/killed by the slighest tap from a car. What a culture.

slow and smelly public transport

Americans shit on public transportation they've never used it in a city/country where it's actually clean & efficient. Not every subway is as disgusting as NYC.

Europeans are faggots but choosing infrastructure & health as your main point of pride in American superiority is pretty retarded considering America is overrun with crumbling shitty 1950s infrastructure & fat unhealthy pigs.

Europeans are faggots but choosing infrastructure & health as your main point of pride in American superiority is pretty retarded considering America is overrun with crumbling shitty 1950s infrastructure, poorly planned cities & fat unhealthy pigs.

Speak for your own shitfuck town. In the cities, where people actually make money, things are new and prosperous.

Ah yes the culture of loving slow and smelly public transport or having to expose yourself to weather

As much as I loathe fellow Yuropeens for acting all smug, American public transport sucks a huge donkey dick in comparison. When I visited NY and Jersey the lack of quality of the train network was shocking. It looked like it was practically unchanged since the 80s. I've only experienced PT that outdated in rural fucking Italy and Spain.

Lul I'm a student, paid nothing for my back surgery and waited 9 months for it. If it was life threatening I'd be put in high priority. But I get that delusion is the only way americans can live in their hellhole so please tell me more about life in Europe.

If you pay taxes, then you paid for it. Oh. That’s it, isn’t it? You don’t pay taxes, do you? I generally tend not to take seriously the opinions of students who don’t pay taxes. And I can tell you plenty about life in Europe, I live there for a long time. I’m much much prefer the American system. I like being able to make my own choices, I don’t have to wait for surgery, never have. I don’t know anyone that has. I know a lot of Europeans who bitch constantly about their system. Canadians, too.

Nope, no taxes :) My education, healthcare and rent is all paid by the government. Shit I didn't even study hard to get into this position, it's just physiotherapy not law or medicine. Why would I not want to pay taxes when I finish uni to support the system that gave me such great start in life? Fixed my back for free, educated me for free... How much would you have to pay for a serious back surgery in America? What kind of crazy scholarship would you have to get for free education?

You're a real Brother Joe


Whiter than you'll ever be, mutt

You have niggerish philosophies on being a leech and being proud of it.

Leech on what? Should I go to my gov. and offer money for education/surgery/rent? You americans are different breed. You literally love being fucked in the ass by your representatives.

Lol. I dare you to tweet or post something on Facebook that is problematic concerning moslems-

Basically you are living off other taxpayers and not putting dick into the system- you live in a giant fucking ponzi scheme you fucking retard.

You don't know what a ponzi scheme is. Get some of that 60k dollar education. Why is Finland doing as well as it is if it's a bad system? You'd rather pretend your country is fine and get fucked in the ass than admit your own inferiority and force your gov to change anything. Which is why shit will never change and you'll still believe you're the #TheGreatestCountryOnEarth no matter how low you fall.

And why would I feel compelled to shit talk muslims? I'm not so pathethic to blame my problems on minorities. That's usually what uneducated poor people do. We don't have many of those here.

You understand how demographics work, don’t you? While you’re playing video games and wrapping up your 16th semester of study, muslims are having their 4th or 5th kid. You’re being outbred and giving up your culture and your homeland without a fight.

That doesn’t matter to you though. You’re a Citizen of the World. You have no culture, no tradition, no identity. You’re a content little consumer, so who cares who rules over you. Better to play a new video game than worry about silly things like that.

Nice infowars quality research. whooping 2.7% damn.

I don't spend much time thinking about my culture or heritage or identity or minorities outbreeding me (lol). I'm proud of my country, the fact that it's not corrupt and provides good life to its citizens. It's sad that things like being outbred by muslims actually matter more to you than quality of life a country is able to provide. That's the effect of populists preying on dummies I guess. As long as you have a boogeyman you don't care how hard you get fucked.

You still don’t get it: Everything good you associate with your country is a product of the ethnic homogeneity that you rootless consumers are so eager to do away with. You’re pulling the rug out from under yourself and patting yourself on the back while you do it.

Enjoy it while it lasts. When the baby boomers start collecting their pensions and the system begins to tank, your smirking arrogance won’t matter.

That’s not important though. What’s important are the new video games you’ll buy and play in another wasted year of your life.

Well I guess only time will tell, see you in 15 years.

And why would I feel compelled to shit talk muslims? I'm not so pathethic to blame my problems on minorities. That's usually what uneducated poor people do. We don't have many of those here.

You're proving his entire point lmao.

The govt pays for nothing, it's other people you're psyched to be bilking. The first & last 25 years of life being paid for by other people isn't sustainable.

How is it not sustainable if the country is doing great? Are you implying Finland is gonna crash and burn in near future?

It annoys me how retarded people on both sides of the ocean get about the healthcare thing. The fact is they're just two different systems, both have their own advantages and drawbacks. To be honest, the thing that's ruining both the most is faggots trying to make the existing system more like the other. Euro govts trying to 'liberalize' national healthcare and Obama 'socializing' private healthcare. In either case it's just granting state monopolies to corporations, the worst of both worlds.

Do you not travel very much?

Stick that Ramstein tape in your ass sideways, Eurotrash.

Actually you faggot this was subtle, it was the very last scene in the very last episode he was in, and this hammered the point of how much of a WHITE NATIONALIST he was.

Don't overplay your hand here faggot.

Geez... ok cowboy, take a deep breath and calm down

Shut up weaboo faggot.

What's a weaboo?

Apparently they're some kind of faggot... Hey! We need some answers over here...

the_donald is right wing chapo and you are a faggot

The donald is generally faggotry and jew worship. There just aren't many places for Trump supporters to talk on this faggot site.

just pm deep legal shit

It’s the same guy.

Make a podcast where you talk about him. Use a shotgun barrel as a microphone, the capture's great

so he's an einsturtzende neubauten fan who dislikes negroes. let's develop this character further.

Television writing is even worse now than in the 90s. At least on "ER" a black doctor would've saved his life in an ironic twist of fate.

What is with that fucking cunty face he's always making? Dude is definitely a closet mo or something.

Hopefully they'll find him in that closet with a belt attached to his neck one day.

With an eggplant protruding from his anus, and a very similar if not an identical tatoo to the one above inked around the rim of his asshole.

Hey, ApexCJerk, just a quick heads-up:
tatoo is actually spelled tattoo. You can remember it by two ts, two os.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

Hey /u/CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up:
Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word".

And your fucking delete function doesn't work. You're useless.

Have a nice day!

Save your breath, I'm a bot.

Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: I learnt quite a lot from the bot. Though it's mnemonics are useless, and 'one lot' is it's most useful one, it's just here to help. This is like screaming at someone for trying to rescue kittens, because they annoyed you while doing that. (But really CMB get some quiality mnemonics)

I do agree with your idea of holding reddit for hostage by spambots though, while it might be a bit ineffective.

Have a nice day!

Hey /u/BooBCMB, just a quick heads up:

No one likes it when you are spamming multiple layers deep. So here I am, doing the hypocritical thing, and replying to your comments as well.

I realy like the idea of holding reddit hostage though, and I am quite drunk right now.

Have a drunk day!

Good bot.

Von Decarlo should get that tattooed above her pussy...


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Should be the slogan for diabetes...