Upvote if you think u/StBrentonOfRemoval is a basic faggot

20  2019-04-28 by OpiesInstantReplay


He owned him epic style 😎😎😂😂😎

the glasses came down over my face in real life

Yeah and so did your dad's cum, stupid

I'm a Basic Faaag, you can be mean if you look this clean

No. Settle your own tiffs, faggot.

Oh, I got nothing to do with this.

I upvoted this thread but saw this reply and immediately took it away. I don’t want to be on the wrong side of history.

He’s actually kinda lame. Like, if he was a dick but with entertaining responses, I’d “ironically” like his crap to play along. But he can’t even do that.

Stop bullying our autistic members, Brenton. We'll have no one left if you scare them away.