When I see the hatred exacted at Mr. Obama - you know, he lowered your taxes, killed your number one bad guy and got your guys out of Iraq - I don't understand why he seems to inflame people so much. You know, unless, unless there's a race problem.

31  2019-04-28 by Terahite


That's not a cross I'm burnin'

That's not a black man I'm blaming for the murder of my friend

His roommate gets capped in the head and Mr. Garfield wasn't even shot at? Right.

Fake Henry Rollins is not wrong this time.


What if I told you he was real?

How about the Arab spring, pussying out on closing Gitmo, ramping up the drone strike programming and bombing 7 new countries like Yemen and Syria?

And completely fucking up the ACA-

Don't forget the unprecedented spying apparatus and war on whistle blowers!

How about baiting people into thinking he'd be good on marijuana, then never descheduling it and increasing raids on medical dispensaries 300 percent from the GWB administration? I'm sorry, but that's a tea party that I simply cannot bring a sugar bowl to.

That's a good fucking point

AND he was a nigger

Don’t forget that pesky “Operation Fast and Furious” bullshit where they sold guns to Mexico and then cartel thugs shot them with their own shit.

Teeeee Heeeeee!!!!!

Gee, this sounds like a scandalous presidency that got lots of people killed. I was told that this was a scandal free presidency?

This bit is my favorite

Dito. I hate Rollins' self righteousness with a passion

That's a watermelon I'm not prepared to smash.

Yes it's all about race, couldn't have anything to do with a jacked economy, horrible trade deals, making an international mockery out of the white house by inviting talentless racist shitbags like Jay-z and Beyonce, arming Mexican cartels, completely de-stabalizing the middle East, or the fact that my health insurance suddenly leaped from $65 a month to $280. Nope, I'm just a Nazi racist...even though I voted for the nigger

Oh and if you decide not to pay for said shittier health care plan, which I don't fucking use because I'm not a fat fucking burden, you don't get a a fucking tax return. Tee hee giggle woo. Nice scam on the middle class, nigger faggot Obama

Why are you guys arguing with a fake Rollins pic? Ill admit these are very convincing and the best part of the sub but c'mon guys, you're making us look like fools

This is actually a real quote if you can believe it. I wish I were clever enough to fabricate one like this. (The pic is of course real too, stupid.)

I just can’t tell anymore on here. You’re all such incredibly talented individuals.

Too late for flattery, faggot.

You’ve always been fair LarryKleist711

This ain't a doorbell I can ring.

This virtue signaling tough guy act is literally the only thing this lonely childless geriatric still has left.

You got a problem with Obama because he's black? Well, that's one sentiment I lack, Jack.

Valid points.

Did Rollins posting originate from the sub? Because it's brilliant.