Someone not affiliated with this sub says Fatrick deletes funny comments in posts he makes and reposts them as his own

65  2019-04-28 by RoliMosimann


Well, he is a hack.

He also listed Amy Schumer as a comedic inspiration (this isn't a joke, he names her in a AMA)

For her "crassness"

It makes sense because all of his """witty""" quips in his books are the types of jokes that only Amy Schumer fans would find endearing. He tries WAY too hard to be like Marvel and he ends up being that one annoying kid on the playground who repeats all his jokes and laughs at them

I did enjoy his dumb ass book

Oh no, he is a retard.

An honest stupid fuck.

He was one sentence off from being a goddamn hero and he threw it all away. Sad.

Well he apparently wrote something that Pat found interesting, which means he's lame himself.

Patty the Plagiarist.

Total liar, no way this person enjoyed any of his books. Name three characters not in the sample chapters.

Nigger, Faggot, and Keith.

And the rabbit hole gets deeper.

What a fat fag. He thought no one would ever know. Flabby bitch.

So when his wife isn’t writing for him, he’s stealing his material. What a useless sack of shit.