Jim harasses real celebrities for free pictures while charging each of his fans $85 for a meet & greet with the tortured legend himself.

166  2019-04-27 by RapistWithHIV


What a scuuuumbag

This is disgusting. The way he rants when people won’t give him an autograph is so childish, but he has the nerve to charge?????

“Dude, that’s different. Someone like a Robert De Niro should absolutely take a picture with me for free. We’re in the industry. I can’t believe this scumbag would try and charge me. I’m furious, dude. He really is mother fucking me on this one and he should know better.”

He and Bob are peers. Peers give each other autographs.

Yes, child.

Just reinforces what a bloodsucking worm he is & what he genuinely thinks of his idiot fans.

If he's trying to look like a twisted sex addict in that corny ass standup promo, he moreso comes off like the conniving scoundrel faggot he is.

More of a leech than a worm really.

I mean they're both shapeless tubes of shit

He's a true piece of shit.

You can walk up to Stanhope at any gig, take a pic with him, and he might even buy you a drink.

Norton charges an extra $50 for the opportunity to take a picture and to genuinely thank you for being a fan. He would totally tell you if he was lying.


I saw Stanhope at a show and he was really nice to my group as we're odd but not the level of necrophilliac/school shooters his usual fans are

Well you gotta remember we’re deaing with genuine A-list celebrity Jim Norton, here

Those paparazzi pics sell pretty high

You are talking about high??? BRB need to call my sponsor

You could probably tweet Stanhope if you're in Bisbee and go around for a drink.

Luis j Gomez, someone with half the age and a way bigger fan base, always says just walk up to him and he even smokes weed with a lot of his fans. How the fuck does Jim justify this? I guess truckers will pay for anything jim norton related

I love that Jim lets celebrities know that he isn’t on of their peers by begging for autographed pictures. He has done more damage to his career with that behavior than this sub could ever hope to do. A true white trash dullard

The funniest thing about that is he's copying Attell, except Attell just wants pictures with everyone.

Attell does that?

he used to do it on his show, just take pics with randoms. not sure about celebrities

Not celebrities so much as just like, random people. He does it to remember shit he does. I just assume Norton copied him in a way because Norton has no original thoughts.

Morton is an NPC

Isn’t he jewish?

That’s insulting to both Jim and Jews


I thought he stayed to meet with all the fans after every show?

For a price.

He has to get back to his motel room to have a club soda and watch tranny porn.

When I saw him at skank fest he stayed right outside the door for like 30mins just talking to people. He’s so tiny

Is he really only like 5'6?

I thought more like 5’4 maybe 110lbs no joke


But he's so tough and manly on the tough guy radio show

I saw him in 2013, and he did, he took a picture with and said a few words to everyone who lined up. Which makes me surprised to see this. Must be getting desperate

Fuck him he's got a steady paycheck from Sirius, where does this mollusk get off charging people extra for closer proximity to him.

Yup he used to hang around after every show and take photos with his fans, like wtf is this shit?

For $85 Jim better kneel.

Ing room only

Fuck outta here with that $39 price

That godamn picture of him. You just know he starved and dehydrated himself before the photoshoot so he could be as lean as possible. And he STILL did that fat girl angle where he's looking upward slightly to make his face look thinner. Makes me so happy that he's back to being puffy and bloated.

somehow morton managed to overact in a fucking still photo

How many chaturbate tokens does that equal?

Not enough baby boi

Awww baby boi awww don't have enough tokens baby boi

No way he can fill Warehouse Live.

Who the fuck would pay for that!? Saw Luis Gomez & his chick & they hung out drank & took a pic with me and my woman after the show. It was also way funnier than any of the worm’s gay specials about getting his ass eaten.

There was a photo of some dude with disgusting hair took a pic with him, bet he paid

Everyday i think i can't hate Jim the worm anymore than i already do and you guys just keep showing me reasons to really dig deeper and fill my heart with more and more hate

If retards actually pay that then I don't blame him

Tranny cum ain't cheap

Legend... lol

what do you get if you donated to the Chip cartoon?

Personalized Twitter messenge for 299.99

If you told me in 2016 that one day not only would I hate Jim, but I'd hate Jim more than the pedophile monstrosity I would have laughed in your face. But here we are.

Jim, a hypocritical cunt? You're talking crazy

I bet Norton charges people who use the washroom after him.

I would almost wanna do that just to bring in a beer and kinda swing it by his face just to see his ridiculous reactions.


Alright Kuhn

El Wormò

What an asshole

So he does his meet and greets before he goes on stage? He’s so disconnected from how people live.

After the show he’s “off the clock” so of course he crams it in beforehand.

Right after his mom tries to deliver Christmas gifts from the past 5 Christmases only to have security tell her that “Jim will only sign one item” and she needs to pay the $85 as she cries and tries to explain she doesn’t want the gifts signed but for him to open them.

I saw Norton live once, and he won’t even let you use your own camera during the meet and greet. You have to use his camera and wait for him to upload your photo to his website. I’m not even joking.

This should be its own post.

That’s because a worm has to worm himself through life.....

Doesn’t he meet everyone after the show?

Hey, I don't know if you guys noticed. But the tour name... "Kneeling Room Only", and Jim's sheepish look, and I guess there's a cum font (???) that it's written in...

I think he's alluding to blowjobs, you guys.

I can't even imagine how blue his act might be!

Norton has always sucked.

And he travels with a body guard. Embarrassing.

Norton is such a child. Fuck his greedy ass.

Oh are you into children too? I love children.

Number of fellow child lovers I've met on reddit: 64

Good bot

Good bot

Good bot

Good bot

Jim's indiegogo pledges charged $25,000 to speak a couple of lines of dialogue, get an audio message of Jim thanking you and have TWO texts written for you.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

I dont even think this is so much being greedy as it is being completely out of touch

Just so he can twitch his eyes at you

I've seen Gary Gulman meet and greet for free for about an hour after a show. Is Jim considered to be the bigger name?

Tickets for his shows are $40 now too. Jim Norton™