The Schoomz caught her autistic husband fooling around with the maid! Big Amy is PISSED!!!!

15  2019-04-27 by Alfred_Hitchcuck


This image is brought to you by the same guy who did (the esteemed) 'Lord of the Rings' series, years later.

'Dead Alive', one of the goriest movies ever made.

Once he went Hollywood it was pretty much over for him as a cult guy. I saw the first LOTR in theaters and fell asleep. Haven't watched anything of his since. His early stuff was the best, gory and offensive as fuck.

'Bad Taste' & 'Meet the Feebles' are absolutely trashy films. They're great. He totally would have been in George Romero/David Cronenberg-territory if he continued down that route.

'The Frighteners' is such a dumb, apologetically fun movie, as far as I'm concerned, it was his last movie of that 'stage' of his career.

Nice beefers.