This Sub’s Magnum Opus Is Still At Least A Decade Away

25  2019-04-27 by DiggerNick315

By far, the absolute top masterstroke of the opieandanthony journey isn’t our museum-quality artistic renditions, our Pulitzer-winning documentaries, or our tireless contribution to the realm of psychological studies in the systematic mental breakdown of a fat science fiction author. No, our single greatest achievement is still very well on its way, in the making.

It’s Layla Cumia.

I cannot possibly conceive of a situation that is in any way similar to what we’ve already accomplished with Joe’s daughter. In five, ten, fifteen years, when this sub, hopefully this shithole website, and nana are all gone the way of Roe- the internet is still forever. The years and years of compounded history we’ve created here will last forever. And one day, she’s gonna find it. Joe can’t keep her away from this forever. During her adolescence, or her early young adult years, Layla will find this the archives and memories place, and she will see it all.

Layla Cumia is our longest running joke. Far into the future when the bit is long dead she will be the one to come and find the pieces. And the best part? She’s just a single, random normal girl, who happens to be tangentially related to a washed up shock jock. She’s no one, and this no one has an entire universe of years of original content dedicated to humiliating every aspect of her family name. And she’ll find it one day.

I find this prospect to be utterly fascinating, that we’ve created this world, this odyssey of cyberbulling greatness that will long outlast its contributors and will lie patiently in wait for Layla to one day come and find pick over the pieces. So this message here is for you, Layla, when you’ve found this and are reading through it ten or fifteen years in the future:

Your dad’s a deadbeat Faggot Nigger.


I'm predicting some kind of virtual reality version of the Jessi Slaughter situation.

I have a sudden taste for Arby's.

Really weird that two most notorious lolcows on the internet (her and Chris Chan) resorted to identifying as an opposite gender. The internet broke them so hard it wasn’t just enough to change their name. They had to change everything, mentally.

Can fat-faced trans author Patricia G. Tomlindaughter be far behind?

If Joe yells "you done goofed" at us I'm shooting myself because there will be no higher plateau

He's gonna do it now because he thinks he "gets it"

🎶consequences...w-w-w-will never be....the same🎶

Is she even his biological daughter? Chances are him and that ghoul are going to be split up in a few years

Layla is his daughter with Frying Pan Face

If you’ve seen a picture of her and her doey, bovine eyes, you’d know she’s 100% Joe’s daughter

That's sad. She has no future.

your idea and its presentation is utter garbage, but your ending makes up for it

What about when Patrick’s “daughter” grows up? Do you think she’ll try to reconnect, or at least study up on, the “man” who still claims to be her father?

Probably, then realize her loving mother made the right choice.

Shush child, let the grownups speak...

Good bot

Someone in this sub needs to go undercover and seduce Carol maxheimer.

I'm actually 6' 1" and like 220. I think I have an in.

Peppermint oil under the nose will help.

She's probably already on here trashing Joe and calling him a cocksucker.

I was thinking world's largest elephant walk that ends in a suicide but sure, we can make a girl hate her own DNA.


In ten years shes gonna be balancing her ipad on a nigger's dick

I'll pass on this.

Got me on my knees.