Gary Gulman kicked Kevin Brennan’s ass

24  2019-04-27 by OpieStillSucks


Chad is the worst. He's such a hen.

How long until he mentions Brody Stevens?

Wonder how much the worm promised to pay then never paid whoever the fuck Gulman is for this.

How much did Patton Oswald pay Gary Gulman?

He let Gary have 5 mins alone in the shed with Alice Oswald

No Questions Asked

yuck, no thanks

This was bound to happen

Write every day!

How humiliating. He got worldstarred by Gary Gulman. Should’ve known better. Gulman is mentally unstable. He had a nervous breakdown and had to move back in with mother in Boston 3 years ago.


frail doll-faced closet-case gets beat up by insane jew

Whoever chad is , he’s a faggot

Lol Gary got arrested

The battle of nobodies favorite comedians.

Wish one of these comedians would beat the shit out of Jim Norton

What a shock. Shit-talking tough guy, Kevin Brennan of Compound Media, the home of noted tough guys such as Anthony Cumia, can't take a beating.

There are too many comedians.

I've been doing an experiment. I (half-)listen to Brennan's podcast and try to figure out which guy is him. Five episodes in, no fucking idea.

This would also work with Stanhope's show if you don't know him.

Kevin just tweeted about it.

he posted a picture of his gross grandma neck