Sometimes I feel bad for this guy who has the same name as SpaceEdge (common name in that area) and happens to look just like him, we sure have been giving him a hard time

69  2019-04-27 by Dom_Myers


Poor little mug is unfairly associated with a cockeyed former mod of a racist sexist shithole that also steals vape pens and does horse

I got an aids hooker pregnant. She wanted me to suggest some baby names... Anyone know any good real names for a retarded drug addicted faggot baby?

Richard Vos

Brian Kilgore

Is she black? If so, it’s going to be something like Da’Quan or La’Quesha.


Piss drinker. He prefers black guy piss and he drinks it straight from the source.

Would certainly be a shame if next time he goes to cop drugs he gets Christopher Moltisanti'd and a Puerto Rican fist smashes right into those dumb glasses.

A lot of people have lazy eyes

Dude needs lessons in hair gel. Don’t put that shit in your hair when your hair is still wet.

It's as common as Smith....

He looks like every fat calved asshole who wears camo cargo shorts in the winter