From Biden’s Instagram. He just won my vote.

29  2019-04-27 by GlutenFreeWifi87



This political gaffe is older than Joe Biden! Be quicker with your political commentary. (I'm just fooling around, pal.)

He will fight for the rights of N persons

Biden is a Gaffe a minute. Win or lose, hes an entertaining fuck. I'd never vote for him, hes a creepy bastard to say the least... but he'll definitely step on his dick in public

I agree, brotherman. I can’t wait to see the craziness of him debating Trump. All in with watching the world burn.


Pandering to the Charlottesville vote.

All Trump has do is bring up the hours of footage of him caressing members of Congress’ children

Did somebody mention children?

Number of times I've thought about children today: 49

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