Even the people jumping to Patso’s defense take a moment to shit on his stand up

27  2019-04-27 by IAmPatricksFatBody


Lol, we posted this at the exact same time

If you two fuck later take some pictures.

Always room for one more ❤️

Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife.

Proverbs 6:14

Praise our blessed Lord

Thank god they're on the case!

He linked the SpaceEdge sub. That bastard has been brigading and needs to be shut down!

As GoodGollyMsMDMA points out, this brigade of trolls hails from a place called r/opieandanthony. Never heard of it, but sounds like a miserable place!

Thank god that hateful place has been shut down.

We're not fucking around, this doesn't stop until our leader SpaceEdge says it does

"Go back to /r/opieandanthony you lying pos"

"Not until its head mod SpaceEdge says so"

This... I like this.

Yeah I did a little research on this guy and while he's a complete fucking asshole with no talent, he's not alt-right. He's alt-left, if anything. Also, he's fat.

What sub is this in?

I think r/fuckthealtright. It was cross posted here a couple hours ago.

Is this what that meant when they said " spread the virus "?

He stole the pineapple thing from Little Nicky

‘Actually sad cos it got to real’ these cock suckers acting like fatzo’s got something poignant to say