Beautiful and loving mom takes her children on a horse ride

13  2019-04-26 by SuperToes845


Sometimes I wonder what would horrify this seemingly normal woman more: The type of attention Fat gets from this sub or the type of attention we give her. I'm guessing it would be pretty close.

The fact that we're a gigantic mob of savages that torture and do the worst things possible to people, including each other, and yet we've never had anything but praise and adoration for this golden haired angel, I'd like to think that she'd be flattered to know that even the scum-of-the-earth recognize her for the pure soul that she is.

She'd be torn between hating being so well thought of by a collective of degenerate malcontents, and solidarity in our shared hatred for the rotund child-predator.

HA!! I was gonna put her in some warrior woman shit with the old sad lady,

Looks like she really enjoys riding stallions from Arabia

A little respect for this goddess please.

Seriously, she's suffered more than enough.