Lol at the producers hiding Patrick's fat and ugly face with lighting techniques.

147  2019-04-26 by Officer_McGrady


Every breath you take......

Every child you...oh, that...that’s terrible I’m sorry.

“Every bone I break, Every inch you take, I‘ll be raping you, child.”

Even worse, in the liner notes he dedicated the song to a 6 year old little girl named Bethany, who he claimed was his “muse in all things musical and sexual”

Good god man, get this sack of shit out of here.

Trying to make sure the double chin is in shadow.

How come they all look like they're getting over the flu?

Science fags get no sun

One on the bottom has a nice base

He looks like a black guy doing black face. Sill inappropriate I say.

He looks like an old decrepit Russell Wilson

Glad to see the Big Cat still tryin new hair styles.

it keeps him young

Was just about to ask when fez started rocking the mullet

He probably thinks it makes him mysterious and shit so he can live out his fantasy of being Bruce Wayne. It doesn’t and you suck, pig boy

Honestly, you're probably right. People that love superhero movies are some of the most delusional motherfuckers on the planet. They will try and relate the movies to their everyday lives. Straight-up autism

I honestly believe he's just too fucking fat and knows it

The old Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now trick

This is what it would look like if Coppola cast Bob's Big Boy in the role of Col. Kurtz.

Because of Fatrick stupid moon face I almost didn’t notice redneck William H Macy

there's also a david lee roth second from the bottom

Hey id fuck Diamond Dave there

he or she will definitely do in a pinch

you mean Florida-native Fez

Even Yosemite Sam up there got proper lighting.

Nice 1/4 lighting, fatso.

While skipping through the video I watched a few of the clips with the guy in the upper left hand corner. He might as well have literally been going "waazabooba dat big ol' black hoe wud eat up the hooooo galaxy a cha cha cha"

He’s got that Joker thing that goes from the side of his mouth to his chin

Even in what I assume is a well air conditioned studio, you can still see him glowing like a glazed ham

Patrick S. Tomlinson Writes Made Up Crap

"I watched a Norton crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving"

I'd give the third from the top the business provided she has a meaty cock

Cock or not if she’s got some tasty Beefers I’d pull a master Po

He’s sweating like John Candy in JFK

Who's that little jewess with the problematic haircut? I'd fuck her

Lmao yo someone photoshop a hood on him. It should be the new Kermit Dark Side meme.

"NASA's Unexplained Files"

Let's go to a science fiction author for details and educated opinions.

What a shit show and a shit channel.

The 10 minutes I watched had no mention of NASA. It was just hypothetical scenarios of the Earth getting destroyed.

He's such a chode. Of course the self-important fat fuck would request brooding mood lighting.