I don’t know what’s real anymore. Did Patrick actually name a character Firstname Lastname?

19  2019-04-25 by FatMosque


Yes. He ripped off Idiocracy quite brazenly.

And using The year 2345 has been used a few times too.

Yeah, like on Peep Show when Jezza calls his band "Various Artists" in order to "fuck with the algorithm"

He should have stuck with Danny Dyer's Chocolate Homunculus.

“This is outrageous...this is contiguous...SOOOOO FUUUUTILE”

Maybe a tattoo on my chest... but of my face. Yeah, double me!

one of my favourite parts was jeremy getting pissed off because barney chose to blow super-hans instead of him

Yes she did and it was meant to be funny

I wanna get a huge tattoo on my chest... of my face. Yeah, double me!