Comedy Show on Netflix That Didn’t Completely Suck 1/6

1  2019-04-25 by OpiesInstantReplay


oi mate. This British shit sucks

Not a Brit, but I enjoyed the Inbetweeners 10 years ago and felt this was just a sequel. However, it’s actually really well written and every character has no redeeming qualities. Unfortunately, I can’t find a trailer that is suitable because the BBC sucks. Is this Peep Show level good? No, but worth a watch.

Is the thick of it on us Netflix? Its the better version of Veep.

You might get a bit lost with how the political system is totally different here but it was the meanest comedy.

I was very late to the inbetweeners. I only saw it a year or two ago. The films are good too which for a comedy series is pretty rare

It was. I loved it.

that sucked bro

this shits gay