Terry Clifford Appreciation Post (4/365)

68  2019-04-25 by Thizzordie010


"You could use that, you know"

- Terry Clifford

I started filling up watching this, but then i remembered that I don't want to go to hell for jerking off to an angel.

Thine art wise to suss out a trap set upon you by The Good Lord. Blessed art thou.

She has the vibe of your friends hot mom.

Great thing to see so early in the morning.

shes been working in radio for 30+ years.... Dedication

gotta respect the Cliff

You know, I woke up with a lot of anger in my heart this morning due to how the world is but seeing such a wholesome person reminds me that there is still good in this world. Excuse my language but fuck Marvel. Terry is the real superhero!!!!

Such a peaceful voice.

What a wonderful woman doing God's work. Bless her soul.

i love terry

I hope they saved the water in that bathtub

This. Was. Incredible. I’m booking an appointment right now! Thank you, Terry!

A goddamn saint on ert.

Just a reminder that Terry is great and Anthony Cumia lost a multi-million dollar gig for being addicted to twitter, which he got kicked off. Also he's broke and dying.

bruh I swear down I would let her suck me off

Don't forget her dedication to her disabled son

What an angel

Rochester will grieve when Terry Clifford dies. No one will miss Anthony Cumia when he's gone except for his leech brother, and then only after the inheritance runs out.

Wease had better show the proper respet

You can just tell Terry Clifford has a tight pussy

Terry sez...relax

Not a flatso.

Local & vocal, what more could u ask for?

Lucky Braun gets to suck em