Can we get a compendium on all the instances of Fatrick condoning the abuse of women and children?

29  2019-04-25 by Sicogon

I don’t want this to go away. I want it to be the first thing people find when they google his name similar to the Joe Cumia racist compendium. I only have 4 examples off the top of my head, but I’m sure there are more considering how willing and open he is to talk about it.

  1. Of course the long winded Facebook post he wrote after that woman got a black eye for wearing a MAGA hat

  2. I have screengrabs from my inbox where he says that if I don’t beat my female relatives for being Trump supporters, somebody else would have to “do the job for me”. I also told him I would kill him if he ever put his hands on my daughter, and he was like “as long as you raise your daughter properly, there won’t be any problems.”

  3. Some guy messaged me saying that he got into a twitter fight with him, and said that Fatrick told him he would “get them kids”, referring to pictures he had of his family on Twitter.

  4. In the politics subreddit, someone told him they would beat his ass if he ever laid a hand on their wife, and he was like “I’m sure you would try, child.”

Any others?


He is SO much worse than Joe

Joe is just a lolcow who writes doctoral dissertations any time someone calls him a faggot on the internet, and spends hours trying to backtrace people who prank call him (he actually did this to me). Fatrick is a legitimately evil person who openly calls for the abuse of women and children.

I'm with you and so is The Good Lord, child.

I heard he grabbed a woman's breast at one of those comic conventions. It was when he was escorting a woman from nazis into the covention center. Very problematic behavior.

Am I the only one who remembers the post where he said if anyone did a fake shooting drill (or something like that) he would kill everyone involved? What the fuck was that about?

"i'm sure you would try"

that picture of tough guy jim norton in the leather jacket is still 500 times more intimidating than patrick s tomlinson

I heard he spits on ethnic children then yells "incel" at them.