She keeps me in check, let me tell ya.

51  2019-04-25 by Terahite


Ya know, I don’t even like hot chicks anymore. Every Irishman needs a sturdy uppity negress I always say

Thank fuck, God forbid you be funny any longer

"I married a jigaboo, what else do I hafta do to get an invite to one of your Hollywood kid-fucking parties, Jimmy?"

Anthony would be so torn. He wants to fuck that child, but its black.

That’s a tough one man. What would he do about a 17 year old black tranny that is passable??

Take a picture of it and lose his entire life.

What a puppet fest

It's like, dude.. I got mad at a guy for making a turn. Oh sorry you were going to your destination sir. That's why I need my wife, man. She points out how psycho I get and makes me laugh and it just mellows me out. My wife's so funny, dude.

Oh man! I almost forgot to talk about that Gators game I went to last week!

May God be wif him. NO bs.