
33  2019-04-24 by Moveinslience


I’m not sautéing!

This is the type of person that ”Post-Irony” created

at least bobo owns his hair loss.

easy. your talking about the wingman in opie's bombing campaign. I know this faggot destroys toilets but he is a wingman.

My mom had that same jacket back in 1989. Wasn't cool then, sure as shit isn't cool now

Odd looking duck.

we created this monster.

Middle aged men need to go back to buying stupid cars when they hit their mid life crisis as opposed to dressing like 17 year olds.

If you zoom in on his face you can see he hates himself which is a crumb of comfort.

I'm jealous of that Marlboro bag

Please stand on the tracks.

That's a cool jacket and backpack but just not at the same time or anywhere near him.

He looks like if bobo had a drivers license

He's right up there with Joe and Fat when it comes to sheer hateability.

I'm going to assume that backpack is a normal size and he is ~4.5" tall.

Rogan metric system

What a wacky outfit! This guy must be very interesting and funny and not at all a one note, hateable faggot!

I've been dressing considerably more formal since seeing Carl's flamboyant desperation in the wake of his divorce. I never want to be this hopelessly oblivious to how stupid I look.

This fat greasy spic needs to be driven to suicide one way or another.

I’d gladly murder this pathetic faggot for that windbreaker and backpack. How many fucking Marlboro miles did this spic have to collect for that thing?

Working for uber eats now

Of course he is an Opie guy. Retardation is expected