"And so you might say "Well, I'm Patrick Tomlinson! And I need to DIDDLE CHILDREN! And it's like OK! Fair enough!...but...it isn't EXACTLY CLEAR how much diddling of children you would have to do, from a psychometrical standpoint, IN WHICH TO PROPERLY ORIENT YOURSELF IN THE WORLD!...and so..."

158  2019-04-24 by TangerineReam


Adopt responsibility for your own inclination towards children, try to get your daughter back, try to lose some weight...you fat fuck, try to drink less... That's the sort of thing that can ground you in your life, enough so that you can withstand the difficulty of fighting the evils of nazism.

Part of the core information that I've been purveying is that molesting pre-pubescent adults is a sick game. You don't play racial, ethnic, and gender identity games. You molest them all. The Left plays them on behalf of the oppressed, let's say, and Fatrick S. Tomlinson tends to face fuck all of them, regardless of age or consent. I think they're equally dangerous and reveal the jungian stereotype of mentally disturbed child predators.

Age of consent varies by state. Nice try you petulant child.

Look who's pulling a Cumia..

Nice Kermit the Frog voice, stupid!

I go deep with the Jordon Peterman

I've spent twenty years as studying people like Patrick Tomlinson because they fascinate me and let me tell you, if you don't think evil exists in this world, you have another thing coming. Because these people are out there, and if you don't have your house in order, they'll try to rape your children.

Patrick is at the top of his dominance hierarchy. And that's that.

If Patrick is "wrestling" a child to the bed. He will let the child escape a certain number of those "wrestling" matches or the child will refuse to "play" anymore.






25 min?

I can't do it...

JP's superficial sincerity about the truth breaks down in this clip.

Was going to mention this clip actually. Absolute proof that JP is a gatekeeper and a shill for the Jews.. and his response clearly acknowledges that he is well aware of the JQ but isn't willing to sacrifice his Patreon account for the greater good. So much for the importance of always speaking the truth.

That doesn't mean he is a shill, just that he isn't autistic and stupid enough to talk about something that would totally dethrone him of a position where he can influence alot of people (in what I believe he thinks in a positive way).

Whether he's a direct shill or a self-policing shill (as you point out as a possibility), it doesn't change much practically.

Whether he's a direct shill or a self-policing shill (as you point out as a possibility), it doesn't change much practically.

He left Patreon...

he's not a shill, he just knows it's career suicide

Bill C16 compels you to not call Patrick a sausage fingered, dog shit writer, with an inbred face, pointy skull, and hair plucked from a warthogs ass, and ...that ..that is WRONG.

Clean your sex dungeon, Patrick.



I don't get it nor do I know who AIDSy Jeremy Irons is. But nice tie, stupid.

I have a feeling Patrick does not like this man.

Bet he calls him alt right and a nazi too



God damn it I read the title in his exact high-pitched voice too.

You missed a pretentiously placed and fakely confounded "bloody illogical"

And it's like.. well SURE you want to fuck kids but why don't ya clean your room up for once and start there? It's like come on man! If ya can't keep an orderly room how the HECK are ya gonna clean up the country?

If you can't convince a 6 year old not to tell their mommy, how are you going to ever write an enjoyable sci-fi novel?

This guy is a fucking long winded buffoon

This guy, I don’t like him all that much, but he likes Dostoyevsky. So this niggas alright in my book.

I want an entire subreddit of this. Like r/joerogan2

& xc"'by