sexy face

14  2019-04-24 by LouieBeanshh


Look at Dennis "Mothershuck" Farrell!

His entire life IS Anthony Cumia. If Billy Joel died tomorrow, he'd still have Anthony Cumia.

If Anthony Cumia died tomorrow,

he'd still have,

Fred From Brooklyn

I've seen some terrible pictures of Anthony, but this one really irritates me in a unique way.

This is one of those Patso level delusional pics where he’s thinking “god damn am I cool and handsome. 😏”

You're right. It's the hubris he's displaying by even attempting to feel handsome. Society says that unearned confidence can work for giant black women, not a walking scrotum like Ant. Feel bad about your face and don't smile.

Exactly. It’s like casting Paul Giamatti in Gosling’s role in Crazy Stupid Love. It just makes him even uglier and more repulsive to think that he isn’t even aware of how disgusting he actually is.

He looks like one of the Hardly Boys from south park here

Why is his hair so bad? Of all the things that could be fixed on that monstrosity of a skull.

If someone asked Ant to name the celebrity he thinks he most resembles what would he say?

Shame. Shame. Shame.