REMINDER: Baby Boy who writes power ranger stories thinks this man isn't funny

156  2019-04-24 by gregorio_ilidivich


they're star trek stories, child

get it right

Goddamn I love Norm

What kind of man wouldn't find Norm's humor funny? The kind of man who allows his unsatisfied wife to get seduced and impregnated by a stud while he's attending another scifi convention?


Jim refuses to watch the comedy of others. He claims it's to avoid being influenced, I think he's just an angry jealous little fruit who can't bear to see others succeed.

Love this.

Here's his Kathy Griffin one too:

He really doesn’t like her


Pretentious shithead Lena Dunham.

So she’s proud to hate men who would be offended that someone hates men. What a cunt.

