So I'll be attending gencon but I need some advice....

7  2019-04-23 by telav

I hear it's a haven for pedophiles and rapists, so naturally this fat insurance salesman who ripped off my grandmother will be attending (apparently he writes shitty sci fi rip offs). How should I approach him about getting my nana's money back?


Puddle of AIDS and a toe trigger.

spits on the floor

If you go to his shitty panel on us and in the middle of it stand up and yell "RAMMOOOONNNEEE! PATRICK IS A PEDOPHILE AND A CHILD RAPIST!" and get kicked out you'll be a hero around here for like a day. Inevitable someone will tape it and upload it.

Act like your average neckbeard (shouldn't be that much of a stretch) then during the Q&A portion ask him to address the allegations you read about on the internet.

He'll just deflect, child

Good one. Ask if he misses molesting his child

Tell him you'll go undercover and get more IPs