184  2019-04-23 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK



You know a guy is a winner when he starts smoking pot at the age most people stop.

Rogan is a prime example. I don't think he started until he was 30 or 31.

  1. What a total fruit.

Why would you stop? Are you some kind of quitter?

I bought an eighth once back when I was sixteen and really lost control. It got dark, but I'm sober now. A friend of mine recently tried to motherfuck me, he wore a shirt with a pot leaf on it. This scuuuuuumbag knows I'm in recovery!

You should go to a group I won’t name to keep their “anonymity”. Get a sponsor and work the 12 steps.

I don’t want to say any more and give anything away

Norton really is a bum.

I'm in an anonymous 12 step program for alcoholics.

But I won't say any more. I respect their privacy.

Yup thats what the comment above yours said already.

Agree to disagree, cunt

You should have titled that Faggot.

I remember him walking off some podcast because they weren't kissing his ass enough. He really thinks he's famous because he had his buddy record him smoking weed for a month and called it a documentary.

He is very sensitive. 2 years ago he blocked me for calling him a hack in a non direct tweet. He reads everything posted about him.

He used to get into arguments in the comments of literally every article written about him on the AV Club. The tiniest slight would make him bitch out.


Does he have receipts?

He really thinks he's famous because he had his buddy record him smoking weed for a month and called it a documentary.

the problem is thats exactly why he is famous. that doc came out and a generation of hipsters watched it a bunch because they have no taste and are stupid

i have lost count at the times I came over and that stupid doc was on at someones house or party

he was on the worst season of trailer park boys and could be a worse actor than Jim somehow

not a fan of Doug

That was an original Netflix and Chill flick. More couples saw that film than any other that year.

It wasn’t even good though. I flipped it on and tapped after 10 minutes. Boring and Unfunny.

He also acts like how a 14 year old does when smoking for the first time. Over exaggerating his “highness” to get laughs...hilarious

He had trailer park boys on and incoherently interrupted them every time they spoke. It was grating.

Benson is an ass but that is a trainwreck of a show. Everyone just seems burned out waiting for something funny to happen. I'd probably walk out too.

Strange how upset he is over this podcast considering his is FUCKING boring and awkward because pot isn’t the greatest conversation starter

This cunt is almost 60

He was a veteran comic when Doug Stanhope was just starting

Decrepit loser was an extra in Commando for Christ’s sake.

Hack faggot


He had a really funny podcast back in ‘06 on handheldcomedy.com before he blew up. When he took it to itunes he started inviting too many guests and playing too many games and completely ruined it. He’s been an unfunny cunt ever since and the comedy albums he puts out are embarrassing horseshit.

Way back in the day, he had a regular article on bobanddavid.com where he offered one line reviews of movies, and it was genuinely hilarious. That was probably the early 2000’s and that was the last time he was remotely funny.

He has Geoff Tate on a lot. Geoff Tate sucks. Not the Silent Lucidity singer. The fat woke unfunny comic.

Insecure hack Faggot. Interacted with him on Twitter and it ended with him sending a passive aggressive dm then Blocking.

Ah, the old Anthony Cumia 1-2 shuffle.

Two Shirt Tango

Did the same to me. Fuckin hack

Yea I'm hardly unique. That's his move I guess

I take it you went back to obscurity?


Nice shoe polish hair

He did one of his dumb interviews where he talks over the guest with Jeselnik. I saw it in high school when i thought anything to do with weed was so cool and edgy, I saw it recently and realized the absolute disdain Anthony had for Doug and it makes it very watchable

I don’t like David Cross all that much either but he has a similar interview on Getting Doug With High and his disdain for Doug is pretty great.

Wait...weed? Lmao

Yaaaaas queen slay!

This dude is in his fifties.

He makes that face in every photo, like a goddamn teenage girl all wide eyed and duck lipped. It must be true that pot smokers stop maturing at the age they start smoking. Doug is an embarrassment to every casual pot smoker.

Doug is an embarrassment

Enough said. Tubby bitch hack.

As someone who enjoys smoking reefer on most days, I gotta say I can’t stand this homo.

Most people who are "celebrities " and love talking about smoking weed are.

Snoop, Doug, Joe's, etc, etc, etc.

my weed is better than your weed tho bro

I think he's saying Zipp It

He got caught fantasizing about sucking his own dick.

Stop posting pictures of this! Every thyme I see it, I bust out laughing and disrupt the entire Panera!! 😆

"Getting Doug With High"? Get it? Because he's a stoner and makes grammatical errors! Pinnacle of comedy.

I’m 27 and this asshole is older than my dad.

I saw him live a month ago because he was down the street. It was super strange to see a 40 some year old man talk about weed like he’s in high school still. He also looks like shit in real life.

*56 some year old man

Holy fuck I had no idea he was that old.

Esophageal cancer will motherfuck this guy hopefully

He was on Jason Ellis today and tried to claim he was quick witted. The guy is so dull and lifeless its like having a corpse in studio.

He's older than he looks. He's almost 60 and his whole schtick is DUDE WEED LMAO.