Re-Upload: Bonnie McFarlane Mocks Her Neighbor's Cats Dying in a Fire, Neighbor Tweets Response (Blocked by Viacom worldwide on YouTube)

27  2019-04-23 by bovinebrain


Despite her incredibly annoying voice and being a cunt and mating with Vos, I still have teenage-love feelings about Bonnie.

I am ashamed.

i wish bonnie burned her crazy cat lady neighbor too

Edgy faggot

Trailer Park Issues😔

*BTW Bonnie is an unfunny Cunt. Vos should take the family vacation like the O'Doyles

This isn't getting nearly the attention it should. Cat ladies are nuts, but animal suffering is never funny, and it's especially unfunny when an unfunny female comedian tries to make it funny.

Teflon Bonnie. Nothing sticks to her for the same reason Fatrick skates the "punch conservative women" thing, neither of them is famous enough for people to care to take them down.

True. Another thing where if it caught any attention 99% of the comments would be "Who?"

Cat killing cunt.

Imagine calling yourself a comedian for years and still getting genuinely offended when someone jokes about the mentally challenged. You know, probably the single-most joked about group in the world. Anyone else in the same position would've grown thicker skin over the years and learned to seperate random people's remarks from their feelings for that family member.

It's seriously fucked up that she thought that story would be appropriate for a televised stand up routine. She even mentions all the impending legal issues but apparently the story was so "funny" it had to be shared with millions of people despite the fact it makes her seem like a remorseless bitch. There is absolutely no reason to respect someone like her after this and now I hope a cat rapes Vos.

lol at Normie weighinh in at the very end

Unfunny CUNT