Who the fuck is upvoting those LinzBella posts?

8  2019-04-22 by Mintwa

Show yourself.


Me. Fuck you going to do ‘bout it?

I might just call your username and give you a piece of my mind pal.

Listen here Buuudddaayys

I haven't upvoted but I am enjoying the drama. She'll be shit on again soon.

More practical question: Who's trying to sext with her as his wife chugs dick at the 7-11???

John's wife.

You read John?

Proper etiquette is to be nice to guests when they're here, say mean things behind their back when they leave. Like good Southern ladies.

True I almost forget where I was. I love linzbella!

Unless you're LinzBella, in which case cover up,nobody wants to see cellulite tats.

Hard up losers, obviously. Anyone who kisses this cunt's ass would suck Joe Cumia's dick for a Compound invite.

Fried-Egg Titties is back?

Probably the same faggot that upvotes all Joe's posts