This sub needs a new project.

3  2019-04-22 by AOTV88

Has anyone out there said Norm isn't funny lately? How about the Krassenstein twins? Lots of good material and a noble cause. Just a suggestion.


I nominate Jason Ellis as next target

Guys it doesn’t work like that. The best targets always seem to happen organically. They are rarely orchestrated

Trueeeeee. Fuck.

Fat pat still has his instagram, sci fi channel appearance, and gen con speaking gig.

There is much work to be done, my sweet summer child.

He still has his "wife" too. Hopefully Jonathan Snyder beds her too

she's no doubt has been deep-dicked by some barfly like a typical lush, patrick was busy reading the mueller report drinking IPA's at home.

I fucking hate the Krassenhebes. I don't even think they run their own accounts, they respond to every Trump tweet within seconds even when he is up shitposting at 3 am. They are always right there.

We need to aim lower, I say we go down patricks friends list on social media and dedicate a week to each of them.

I typed "Norm MacDonald is not funny" into google to see what would come up and up came this guy. Get him!

Good one, child.

LOL how sad is this place?

LOLing faggot

Marc Maron.