Twitter is the worst place on the internet

57  2019-04-22 by FrankWant


Kids with hope annoy me. You haven’t lived long enough to realize everyone let’s you down in the end and nothing ever gets better. Fucking shut up.

I love how these fucking idiots act like the youth of America being mostly liberal is somehow a new thing. Kids have always been mostly liberal. The whole "Fuck you, old man!" is kind of part of being young. These dipshits are expecting a revolution, they're just going to get more of the same.

Wait, are you telling me those peace & love hippies in the 60s were somehow liberals?!?

1972 was the first presidential election in which 18 year olds could vote. Nixon won the youth vote and was reelected in a landslide. Even kids were sick of that hippie shit by then.

conservatives still outnumbered liberals then. Funny thing is conservativeness is considered fringe now so its starting to make a real comeback.

I hope it creates a more centrist party. My view is abortions for everyone and dont ask for my tax dollars. I never had kids for a reason, Id like to enjoy "my" money.

And for God’s sake stop it with the the trans pronoun shit and the constant victim playing.

Tell em dad!

Abortions for unattractive people, tax cuts for Chads, revoke female citizenship

sounds pretty centrist

yeah but things like tick toc and youtube have taken actual work out of most of the youths forseeable future. They all think theyre going to make it online and have zero actual reality on paying bills because theyre 34 and still living at home.

None of them bother to learn trades, most just go to school to fuck off and then get a shit retail job with 100K in student debt and try to make an instagram living at 45. This is why they all want to vote in whatever lib promises free "something". No real sense of responsibility. If they cant make it, theyll just pop out enough kids until one of them becomes a viral star by being the worlds youngest drag queen and act like theyre just super woke parents.

Hey, evil-nick, just a quick heads-up:
forseeable is actually spelled foreseeable. You can remember it by begins with fore-.
Have a nice day!

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Hey /u/CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up:
Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word".

And your fucking delete function doesn't work. You're useless.

Have a nice day!

Save your breath, I'm a bot.

yeah I saw the red line under the word.... didnt care enough to go back and right click...... live with it fruit.

and? I saw the red line, I dont need a fruit bot to inform me Im to lazy to right click.

Niggas on Windows xp

How do you keep popping up? Mods, ban this bot.

its why they're so enthusiastic about teenagers voting. inexperienced hormonal dipshits love voting liberal

If anyone quotes Patrick it's obviously one of his alts. Reported for ban evasion.

It makes me so happy that -- assuming this isn't him -- that all of his fans seem to be middle aged women.

It's uncanny. It's the only people you see talking about him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... Always the sign of really good sci-fi, when it's almost exclusively middle-age women reading it. Way to nail that key demo, Fatrick.

Exactly. I swear none of them even read sci-fi at all though. These types aren't into it -- I fucking love sci-fi Fat how about appealing to me????

They're just fans of his cat lady/wine aunt tier political shit. How embarrassing for an author.

They're just fans of his cat lady/wine aunt tier political shit.

Nail on the head. He doesn't have a single fan that just picked up one of his books and liked it enough to become a fan, they're all just people that eat up his "Women and minorities are the best and everyone else is a rapist, right guys?!" horseshit.

It's literally just other regressive nobodies that only follow each other because they have the same political views. I doubt any of them actually bought one of his shitty books8.

It's literally just other regressive nobodies that only follow each other because they have the same political views. I doubt any of them actually bought one of his shitty books.

It's literally just other regressive nobodies that only follow each other because they have the same political views. I doubt any of them actually bought one of his shitty books8.

Your generation also is going to get older and realize how fucking stupid all the horseshit you believe now is.


And this is why Fatrick is such a politifag. He doesn't actually have any fans of his books, only of his politics.

Let me repeat a headline from the Washington Post, find an article supporting my claims with numbers I quickly read trying to find anything to combat anyone brave enough to argue with me, then quickly switch over to personal insults until I block you or get the last word in.

Peter Hitchens said political discourse with the general public is like playing chess with a squirrel.

No child, you misread that. It's "Get them children! Leave no one standing"

Referring to 'them children' as what he's getting?

It’s so funny that every generation is full of liberal faggots who think they’ll eventually take over the world and make it a socialist paradise.

Then they grow up and half of them are smart enough to see that ALL crime come from niggers, spics and muslims.

Never fails.


"I like being replaced by a foreign people who have no interest in the history and culture that created this country and vote along racial lines for candidates that look like them. Why would anyone have a problem with that?"

Tfw you truly realize what changing demographics mean.

Enjoy the Constitution while it lasts.

I experienced a combination of douche chill and unbridled rage at this - either it’s one of Patrick’d alts or it’s some insufferably stupid person actually treating him like he’s some speaker of sage wisdom. Like she’s quoting Abraham Lincoln.

I’ve seen too many people retweeting the fat hack...

It's him. It always was.

23% of the old money dumbasses at Harvard are Republican. Those are probably the people who got scholarships based on their grades.

I'm sure it's been pointed out already but this is always the case. Till they get older and actually have careers and assets they worked to accrue and realise their socialist Liberal college philosophy is fucking retarded and that people who have lots of material wealth worked fucking hard for it and they don't want to give most of it away

Millenials are the ones who can't find Russia or China on a map, and they think they're more qualified to vote than their parents.

What do they think the boomers were up to in the 60's and 70's?

The young ones don't think any further back or forward than in the moment, and the old ones think that because their thinking has never changed or evolved, no one's does.

The young ones don't think any further back or forward than in the moment, and the old ones think that because their thinking has never changed or evolved, no one's does.

The young ones don't think any further back or forward than in the moment, and the old ones think that because their thinking has never changed or evolved, no one's does.

The young ones don't think any further back or forward than in the moment, and the old ones think that because their thinking has never changed or evolved, no one's does.

A Harvard study? I’m surprised it wasn’t 100%. And these dipshits will vote Democrat, until they realize they have to work and support deadbeats on welfare.

"We looked into it, and it turns out people that have nothing and support no one tend to be liberal".

No shit.