I just wanted to let this sub know I can’t photoshop

23  2019-04-22 by OpiesInstantReplay


Even his nose has fat folds.

If that homely wife of his ever sobered up she’d no doubt leave.

He'd never admit it without a court order, like his first wife

His wife looks like the weird lookin guy who goes on Opie's show. Drives a meat truck. I can't remember his fuckin name right now.

What are the chances we gave him those grey hairs?

There wouldn’t be one picture of this guy online if not for him taking them himself.

Oh look, he's at a bar.

I bet he secretly thinks his heavy drinking makes him interesting. Like he heard a lot of great writers were drunks so he's emulating that.

I know a show behind a private paywall you may like.

It also looks like the most typically shit bar too

That whole "slightly poking out the tongue with widened eyes" thing that ugly women do annoys me. Just smile like a normal person getting their photo taken, you average looking cunt.

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That whole "slightly poking out the tongue with widened eyes" thing that ugly women do annoys me. Just smile like a normal person getting their photo taken, you average looking cunt.

no way, dude shes WACKY AND CRAZY!!!! WOOOOOO!!!

I find his eyes really unsettling.

Look, it's Man-Bonnie in the third seat, lol

You don't need photoshop for that doughsaster of a face. It shits on itself.