Just wanted to make sure the new sub was graced with this. Love you all dearly.

93  2019-04-21 by nomadiqqq2


I heard Ain't It Fun at the grocery store the other day and it brought me back. This video is such a masterpiece

I actually enjoy the song now.


a man who can't appreciate paramore can't appreciate life

pathetic, if true

I’m pathetic

That song is definitely in my top five played songs over the last year.

My favourite post on this sub. Documentaries, rap disses. Nah nothing beats this.

The edit is so with the vibe of the song too. Like this sort of happy but sad melody and lyrics. Just like anthonys life. Where the fuck is my gunnnnn fuuuuuccckkkkk

nothing works...it's the worrrsst

It's the perfect soundtrack - the musical equivalent of Ant's fake laugh masking his shame, regret, and closeted faggotry.

musical equivalent of Ant's fake laugh masking his shame, regret, and closeted faggotry.

Have you seen the follow up, "Fake Happy"? I think that hits the nail even more on the head.

rap disses

do you know the link? those were great

thank you xoxox

Baby now you're one of usssssssss, ain't it fun?

Everytime I hear this song now I always smile. Great Job.

Every now and then, I'll think about the bit with the coffin and laugh in work. I try to disguise it as a cough.

I try to disguise it as a cough.


I have this song on my "guilty pleasure" playlist on spotify, it gets a lot of play


"Uh, Happy Chinese New Yeal. We have speciar guest!"

Anth got no nigga's ribs hurtin' to-DAY!

It’s the best way to start your day.

Ant was so annoyed by this when it was first posted that him and Keith had it removed from YouTube within the hour.