r/opieandanthony being laid to rest

165  2019-04-21 by ShutYourCakeHorn


Ain't it fun?

This is what drove Ant completely off the deep end. Amazing.

Kuhn just set a bounty

Kuhn just traded a carton of smokes for a Vizio system.

He's had his eye on it a while.

And as soon as he's out we'll have the best rhinoplasty clinics science can provide and smell-o-vision TVs

Yeah, he's always had a nose for good deals.

This is the one that started it all.

Anthony was all in on this place because we shit all over Opie, but when we made fun of him it was a fucking problem.

This should have been a throwaway shitpost, but Ant made such a huge fucking deal of it we latched onto it and shoved it up his ass.

Streisand effect.

I posted this originally thinking it was just a dumb joke post, and the drunken tranny fucker lost it.

You did gods work.

Autism is a happy accident sometimes.

Am I supposed to ignore this!

-whiny nigger

He had no problem ignoring her

All I hear is that ridiculous music from one of the documentaries. This is probably one of the bits I laughed at the hardest.

Tintintiri tintintiri

lol that weird arab music

we're a very multicultural sub, child.

The Cumia are a very musical people.

This is Roe Cumia’s funeral.

A bit late to the party...is the whole sub shoahed? I cant see how I'd be banned bc I never said anything about spaceedge

You know what you did to get banned you sick fuck.

Lol thanks for clearing that up

"Me and my family are OFF FUCKING LIMITS!"

I could understand the "my family are off fucking limits!" part, but him as well? Lol, drunk moron.

Of all the things to get triggered by

I remembered when this Sicilian faggot tweeted this. He brought attention to it. He just couldn't help himself and he had to tweet it.

Wait I’ve been MIA...what happened to the OG subreddit?