Would Anyone Like To Go To GenCon With Me?

24  2019-04-21 by BobbyDrakeOmegaLVL


I would like someone to film me asking Patrick if it was "witty or s****y" when he blocked Ben Shapiro after calling him a child.

I also want to know how witty he thought calling for violence against women with red hats.

Contact me through PMs, you will have to sign a contract and will be paid for your filming abilities. You won't be working with me personally on the trip, I am hiring another two people for the job.

Go wear a Trump hat and dare him to punch you.

Gen con contact info:


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


(800) 529-3976
or (206) 957-3976


archived links of fat pat advocating violence against women:



It's actually physically painful to read his response to someone saying they can't support physical violence against someone wearing a hat.

What did he say again? I can't open replies in the archive link on my phone.

I'm sure it was reprehensible, though.

  1. How can someone using the internet be so dumb
  2. It's not just a hat
  3. We need "gatekeepers" to help enforce only people who are worthy enough to post on the internet

The response actually perfectly reiterates Pat's call for violence against women. It's almost like he wrote it so someday it could sabotage himself. Like he's trying to cuck himself.

What an ironic nazi mother fucker.

He is truly an authoritarian fascist.

He literally calls for gatekeepers to human socializing. I don't understand the mental disconnect where people like this think they are anti fascist.

Wow I thought you guys were just joshin when I heard that story about him punching a woman over a MAGA hat. He's actually unwell, lots of pent-up rage.

That’s why I enjoy him as an LOLCow. There’s a lot of piling on but at the kernel of it, he’s legitimately a horrible person with serious anger and superiority issues. He believes his grandiose bullshit and downplays his legitimately violent propaganda.

"Other awesome writers" - you mean just like you, Pat?

Is he the “when not to be” on that panel? Vurrry insightful, informative.

He’s the paragon of unfunny.

On the other hand, that’s three full days Niki has to get plowed by real men while Fatty’s playing with space toys.

O&a meetup!

we can all find each other by yelling "RAMONE!"



I'll bring the Ben gay and stridex pads

No lube? FINE!

> How to be funny and when not to be.

I'd actually be genuinely interested to hear Patrick's take on how as a white cis-het male he will sometimes tone down his own humor to check his privilege and give black PoC women a chance to have their voice heard.

If Louis CK taught a class called "how to be funny", I'd think he was being a pompous, self-important blowhard.

And Louis CK is actually funny.

He doesn't though. He's a jerk.

Board game convention. Stinkiest place on earth.

Wait, this isn't just like Star wars nerd shit? It's for board games?

Table top gaming convention. So I don't know why fat pat would be there.

this sounds like a fag fest of the highest degree. they are well surpassed us.

When the mob rules on social media

He's going to do an hour long lecture about us.

And then take the gang to the nearest bar to discuss it for another 3 hours.

The FBI will have to send a box truck to pick up all of the receipts.

Google "Cat Rambo" to see more about the "woman" who is joining Pat on most of his panels

What a horrific looking pig. How did we go from legitimately smart people like Asimov and degenerates like Heinlein writing actual cool shit to people like Fatrick and this dusty holed senior citizen writing total faggot shit? "nerdom" is the gayest shit right now.

Free publicity for the sub!

what the fuck would this guy know about "how to be funny" all the shit he posted where he went on stage trying to do stand up comedy was him bombing miserably

What the FUCK is gen con?

Generational Lovers. It's a fancy way of saying NAMBLA without the stigma. Pat's the keynote speaker on how overcome resistance through bedtime stories.