"The old guys ran this like a paramilitary organization. We need a supreme leader at the top. Not da fuckin Dave Clark Five!"

0  2019-04-21 by SpaceCaseBassFace

Somebody's gotta get dere hands around dis fuckin power struggle. Lack of leadership is fuckin da whole thing up. Guys get confused, dont know who to kick up to, who to pay, so nobody gets paid. And all dude respect to your cripple kid ray but you just dont want that fuckin wire up your ass, you dont want da fuckin headache.


I don't know who's in charge here but I am without a doubt the most popular and important person here.

I see you

See, that’s why you should be mod, you’re so fucking smart

This does remind me of gubba mints changing. My entire country has been diddling around like this thumb deep in our dairy airs waiting for years for our dear precious future Maple Fuhrer.