The Dangers of being a girly boy

10  2019-04-21 by PatIsAFatHack

I can't tell you how many times in my life I have heard the argument that people turn gay as a result of being sexually abused as children. As a survivor of extensive early-childhood sexual abuse myself, I have always found this to be the most disturbing of all attempts by others to pathologize and discredit my adult sexuality. This theory basically states that the man who raped me when I was a child has now somehow programmed my sexuality for the rest of my life, that the violence I repeatedly endured as a young boy is now the filter for all the love I have received since, or will ever receive. This is just simply not the case. I rejected this archaic notion long ago, and I am always surprised when otherwise thinking people haven't already done so as well.

Instead of assuming I am gay because I was abused, doesn’t it seem at least three times more likely that I was abused because I was gay? To me, this is a no-brainer, but it’s relieving to have this new science back up what I have been saying for years.

I suggest that you consider mentoring and/or fostering LGBT and gender-nonconforming children and young adults who are being bounced around in the local system where you live. You have the power to change someone’s life simply by being that safe space for them, whether it’s in your classroom or your living room.

I’ll give you a million guesses who wrote it and you’ll only need one


Instead of assuming I am gay because I was abused, doesn’t it seem at least three times more likely that I was abused because I was gay?

What a gay retard.

this is the dude chilling with Jay Moh

Jay, that guy who named his kid Meredith Mohr Cox, he gave his kid an ugly girl’s name

if I was Nikki I’d make sure the judge knew about my husbands alternative lifestyle and his new life mate’s “unconventional” views on “girly boys” and “butch boys”

btw who talks about kids as “girly boys” or “butch boys”, its fucking creepy

Everytime I hear the name meredith it reminds me of Mr. Sir from the movie Holes. His name was Marion but it still makes me think the kid will either be a fag or so embarrassed that their whole personality is shaped around the notion of "my name doesn't define me".

How did he arrive at 3 times as likely too? Arbitrary faux-rational queeb.

"who are being bounced"


I reject this archaic notion

Reject it all you want, faggot, if you want to live in a pretend fantasy land where having your first sexual experiences in your developmental phase somehow doesn't program your sexual identify, have at it

Every single guy I know that had sexual experiences at too young an age was programmed by it. Every last one of them has unhealthy, fucked up sexual habits that can undeniably be traced back to having a sexual identity when child minds weren't developed enough for one yet. But sure, pretend that affected so deeply and profoundly yet magically didn't influence your sexuality at all.

Exactly. How could anyone deny that doing that to a kid is going to have an immensely significant influence on how they develop? Most of the girls I've known who had that shit happen have the same kind of pathologies as well and the pattern was usually they can only be validated by sex and nothing else because the abuse almost programmed them to think that way.

I knew two diffent guys that lost their virginity when they were around 10-11 years old to an adult woman, and both of them will fuck any woman. Both of them are good looking guys that get goodlooking women, but if a fat girl with a cleft pallet rubs their leg, they'll fuck them. They can't say no to anyone. So yeah, I don't see how someone couldn't be programmed by being fucked as a child.

I get it, he doesn't want to think his sexuality is the product of rape, but that whole article is just him being in complete denial.

Yeah and that's exactly how it is for fags. It's like they can't help themselves. It's compulsive. Problem for a guy like Lynn is he's turned gayness into some wonderful, central part of his identity so if you tell him that it's actually a result of childhood trauma that's gonna make him angry.

Let's be honest. It really can't be all that fun to be gay. That's why they are so mad all the time, except when they are high or fucking each other.

I know a guy who sucked his friends' dicks when he was a kid and he grew up to be a wormy faggot incapable of real emotional intimacy

Do you know Anthony Cumia?

Jesus fucking Christ

This faggot is just trying to justify his own pedophiliac behavior to himself.

Aren't you that sex offender enzo?