SpaceEdge is moderating a ghost town and that makes me laugh.

16  2019-04-21 by Officer_McGrady

But hey at least people can no longer say mean things to you.


The last power move he could have made was to keep an archive of all the people that hate him lol. We still got, fat /u/SpaceEdge junkie faggot.

the last power move he could make is taking a hot shot

SpaceEdge is all out of hot pockets and he can’t fit through the door way of his house to get out and steal more. If you order him a year supply of 54 hot pockets a day, that’s 19, 710 hot pockets off of Amazon.Com and make sure they leave the packages close enough to the door that we can pull them in with a broom; he will allow you to view his sub. Until then youre on time out, baby boys.