These are three of our comrades: Bobby, Puck and Zoe. They died because of hack Bonnie Mcfarlane’s recklessness. We must fight for them. No justice, no peace!

90  2019-04-21 by joecumialikestofelch


Pretty sure the one on the left died of obesity. But Bonnie definitely killed the other 2!

He past, dude.

Aloha Snackbar!!!!

I never cared about that cunt before but now I hate her with a passion

Doesn't take much to hate a woman

puck is such a faggit just sayin

Well, sounds like Bonnie is going to have to deal with a few lighthearted comments about hoping her drooling retard sister dies in a fire.

I was only jokin

Well on the bright side, they were just cats.

Watch all the same fags who suck norm macdonalds cock get mad at me for that joke.

You know what, duuuuuuuuude, you got your catnip, you got your litter, you got your scratching post and BOOM. Die from immolation, duuuuuuude.

I might make a twitter as an SJW. That way I can bully celebrities like bonnie for shit like this and not get banned.

I think about doing this all the time, fantasizing about ironically posting super racist content, but against white people to make it ok. Ahhh... one can dream

Never forget the 6 meowllion

Goddamnit, those really are cute cats.

They were 14.

i hope she and her entire family get their hats removed

Bonnie didn't explain in her "Joke" of how the fire started. She just said her bed was on fire while she was reading tarot cards. What'd she light candles on her fucking bed?

I should not be laughing this hard at a bereaved woman and her dead cats cursing bonnie out like that

Nice lamp shades, stupid.

This is a Pro-Cat sub.

You fucked up, Farmer Cunt.

It’s a little heartwarming in a fucked up way that this lady thinks nobody will ever even see this and meanwhile it will probably lead to Bonnie having to leave twitter over so many people talking about it.