Ugly Faggot

18  2019-04-21 by crat33


He’s got fat baby face, which is a terrible kind of fat face for a 40 year old man to have. He’s featureless, and looks like a puppet.

But he doesn’t see that, given all the selfies. This is probably the ‘best’ take out of several hundred he took that afternoon.

Hes probably got that rolling shutter feature where it takes like 200 shots and he sifts through them to find his favourite, like hes the editor of vogue

He’s probably shooting HD video and pulling stills, after hours of barside deliberations at Shenanigans, sipping cosmos and hoping someone asks him what that stack of books is all about.

Loudly pontificating about "cover art decisions"

“Like (hiccup) I want it to reference the Ender’s Game cover, but not (hiccup) be too (hiccup) on the nose, cause like, this (hiccup) is MY time, and Orson Card is (hiccup) a Nazi transphobe, and, wait what was your name again?”

I read Enders Game in high school, it was pretty good

It’s really good. I’m not into that genre, but I ‘get’ it when it’s done right.

From my gleaning of fatfuckrick’s profiles he’s obviously influenced by that book, along with a host of other lazy, passive influences, most notably Futurama and other cartoons. But that author, OS Card, got political, I think over gay marriage or something whogivesafuck, so I just imagine Tomlisberg stewing over a pint of Milwaukee’s Best at O’Hanlohan’s, trying to reconcile his real passions with his fake political posturing, the fat fuck.

Patrick is a fecal freak. Milorganite is a fertilizer made from wastewater.

Fucking dookie eating sicko.

But that's just brat fat, child.

When he first mentioned the brat fat I thought for sure he was a Bob Odenkirk type character.

And no offense to any Wisconsinites or Minnesotards out there, but upper Midwest sausage/obesity pride is the grossest form of American indulgence going.

Featureless puppet face, fuck that was funny lulz

Only catchers wear their hats backward like that.

Patrick’s a catcher. Only he doesn’t own a mitt.

Son of a bitch!

Oh sweet summer child, you just a jealous incel Nazi, little one.

He's retarded and fat too.

Nice balloonhead, stupid

Hates Harleys but reps their logo. I'm sure after someone compliments his shirt he'll go into a 5 minute autistic diatribe about Triumphs being superior. He's also got gay face.

Tim Fool