19  2019-04-20 by PatIsAFatHack


So everytime you call me an ugly fag online I get paid

This dude must be rich

Frequent trips to Thailand ain't cheap

And we're supposed to believe that a D-level celebrity gets paid more that a few cents a hit?

That wont stop anyone.

What like a cent at a time?

I'll throw in a couple bucks.

I reported this post for featuring the homophobic slur “fag”

i suggest any ally to the lgbtq does the same

I’m an ally and this Logan Lynn fellow seems like a maga hat if I’ve ever seen one!

Yeah, but nobody goes to his website.

This is where we're supposed to go "Oh, no! We all have to stop talking about him asap! No more calling him a faggot guys, he gets paid for it!". Not gonna work, sodomite.

Sodomite, the thinking man's way of saying fag

In all seriousness, the desperation for any fame and fortune—no matter how meagre—is rather sickening. In his first tweet today he tagged People Magazine, Reddit, Opie, Jim, Jay, Joe Rogan, Amy Schumer, and the FBI—so as to cover all his bases in this goofy attempt to reach somebody's radar and go viral.

Wouldn't you get paid more if you wrote a good song? Not really sure how the music industry works but I think Elton's made more money off "Tiny Dancer" than people calling him names online.

We've been funding his lavish amyl poppers addiction.

He gets paid every time he gets bullied online, that’s why he went crying to the FBI for being called a ginger. Got it

yeah dude but the $5 you get in click revenue nowhere near makes up for the degradation of your self-esteem that this sub provides. but keep telling yourself its worth it until you put jay's pistol under your chin.


I can’t even imagine the level of self awareness that’d have to be stripped away from someone to get them to act like this.

Buy another 5th wheel camper and disappoint your family some more faggot. No one cares.