Did they lock the other subreddit?

0  2019-04-20 by FreedomKid7

I always enjoy drama, tried to get into r/opieandanthony but they apparently locked it/kept it private (I never had it subbed for whatever reason) for any other reason. Did this turn out to be the case for anyone else?


Nope. Works fine for me. You must be banned.

Lmao bitch wtf

Same thing for me.

Also, I can’t tell if all the other commenters in this thread are lying.

Nope. It's fine. I just posted a thread and got replies.

Did you reach out to Spacehedge?

Try clearing your cache. After that it worked for me

En mod stängde ner hela skiten

Are you sure you went to the right sub? They both have the same layout, but it's working just fine for me

I'm in there fine, must be something you're doing wrong

Fine on this end.

Click refresh, if that doesn't work restart browser. I don't think you've been banned. Chrome and Firefox sometimes have issues.

They just have banned you. I just posted

You should check the comments on your post; they're pissed you didn't use an np.reddit link to here.

Scared me for a second. I can still access it.

I looked into it. You're going to need a new username. Which also means you need a new phone and computer as well.

One time it locked up on me and I had to go to Local Disc C: > Windows > System32 and delete the folder to free up some memory on my hard drive.

Hey! That didn’t work at all. In fact I think my computer is broken now. What the heck man.

Try milk.

Nope. That’s not working either, it’s just sparking . Maybe I’m using the wrong kind of milk. Does 2% work?


I just made a thread there calling you a late-to-the-party idiot

Yeah. I replied with a zinger of my own and owned you.

'I always enjoy drama,' Do ya? So do 13 year old girls, Nana would love you.

Pretty sure I aged out of his preferred range


I have it open right now!

I'm superstitious but seal your vents and turn on the gas generator in your living room. It worked for me.