Imagine being such a zero you actually brag about being a a 31.

7  2019-04-20 by xterraroc


I have no idea what a 31 means in military terms so I’ll just assume it means racially ambiguous faggot who sucks dick in a cowboy hat

It’s a radio operator ... this guys entire life is pretending to be something he’s not.

Hitman bravo this is spitdrinker actual.....


if you search 31v1p joe comes up as the third result since he's the only guy retarded enough to brag about being a fucking mechanic on the internet

Lmfao! I just did it , what a total zero.

You seem knowledgeable about the MOS, what kind of things do you think Joe actually did?

Basically a radio repair man... he was lower enlisted also so he was a basic nobody.

So he takes calls, shows up with tools and a repair manual, and fixed things?

Basically... and since he was in for such a short time I’m thinking all he did was hand upper enlisted tools.

Oh, yeah, man. He's always handling tools.

Are you sure? Because Joe doesn't strike me as a man that could fix a sandwich, much less a radio.

That’s definitely the MOS description... if he was good at it is another story being that he refuses to show us his DD214 who knows if he’s being truthful or what his discharge was. I doubt it was honorable other wise he’d post it.

He's been a behind-the-scenes guy in radio for longer than some of us have been alive.

That’s a lie. If he was, we’d hear it a thousand times.

That MOS is old. I think I dont think they even use it anymore. With the US not being at war at the time, he probably didnt do shit after he took the training courses.

When he's right, he's right.

Ask him his ASVAB score