This will not do. No naughty results? Step it up.

20  2019-04-20 by SuperToes845


If you're going to upload 'subversive' images of our pal, put his full name in the image title somewhere so search engines can find and display them.

He's holding up a picture professing his love for cum, dude.

ONE result out of the number there could be.

Oddly, the second and third images is where he’s pointing to where I’d like him to put the bullet.

My when you say cum i say yum is up there

OK fine. Like I said before in another comment, ONE such result is embarrassing.

What disappoints me is that his "It's not only acceptable to hit women based on their political beliefs but it should be encouraged" rant is getting no attention. All you dipshits should put a pin in the "pedo rapist" nonsense and focus all the effort into the one thing that we can prove definitively that he said and is absolutely not acceptable in modern culture. Everything else, he can explain away as trolling. The women beating shit can't be dismissed, if that picked up traction, he'd have to own it

Yes, this is a pitch perfect approach. Do his Science Channel producers know about his violent views on women? I suspect not.

That's what I'm talking about. No matter how much what we did bothered Joe, the thing that caused him to drop the tough guy act and beg us to stop is when we focused on showing people the things he actually said. Fatty would break even harder, because it's the liberal #metoo feminist machine that he wants so badly to be his ally that would come for his head.

He is a feminist after all.

Oh christ, that screenshot side by side with him saying it's okay to hit a woman would be an armor-piercing round if the right people got behind it, his worst nightmare would be his own "team" being the ones who expose him for being a virtue-signaling hypocrite.

Here's that rant you were referring to.

It's perfectly legal and harmless to express your concerns to him and his management on his publicly-posted contact page. This is not a doxx since he posted this online for everyone to see:

you have a link to the original post if you have it up? if not ill dreg thru his fb and get it

what a faggot.