Found this on the cumtown sub. They're openly celebrating his ex wife's death

21  2019-04-20 by jims_cold_eggs


so creepy

i used to think it was a joke, but they legit dont care about the old mom/wife and are trying to erase her

It's like their dog died and they went out and bought a new dog of the same breed.

From the Journey of Natty Gann to Married to a Murdering Midget ‘Man’

So true, honey! The death of my last wife was truly a blessing :)

"She has no other mother raising her alongside me. She is all mine."

I bet the daughter loves it when she says that to her verbatim, as a constant reminder that her mother is fucking DEAD.

Hollywood types are so bereft of logic and reality.

Hollywood types are so bereft of logic and reality

And they showcase it on social media

Patton really does.

His stuff up to 2008 was actually really good - his standup was funny and he wasn't in your face about social issues. He also seemed capable of having conversations about both sides with sperging out, and - shockingly - would make fun of democrats too.

Identity politics are the death of a persons social skills and individuality. They should teach kids to say no to them over drugs.

I think the worst part is the hypocrisy

That’s sick.