Ahh jezuz

192  2019-04-20 by Snake_____86


Post this at the bill burr subreddit

I did originally and the fags took it down.

lotta fawkin problems in that sub

Management is not really excited about the direction of that sub

So unless you captioned it, I am assuming they are the ones that in their own minds decided what two people were pictured here? But you were the one being inappropriate? When they all thought it, unprompted?

Not one of you jellyfish would have the shit to say that to his face, so why post it to his subreddit?

Yeah because Bill Burr is an intimidating dude

Do you know the type of people on this subreddit? Certainly not the type to refrain from being offensive because they wouldn't "say it to X person's face"Get your chivalric code and the dick in your ass outttttta here.

Someone needs to send it to nia on Twitter

Oh sir that's not nice, you're implying Bill's wife is a primate. I don't go for that type of humor

all humans are primates, stupid

That's one can of worms I'm not willing to open.

That's one darkie I'm not willing to lynch. Am I doing this right?

We'll work on it.

That's one banana tree I'm not fit to climb


I think he is saying she is an ugly nigger and they all look like monkeys. Try to keep up.

D'ohhh Jeeeeezuuuuus

This is fucking great! Salute to the artist

are you like a fucking professional artist? Jesus Christ dude

This is a little too blue for me not gonna lie

Awwww... they look so happy there.

Agent 47 and cesar