What I hate the most about junkies is the constant lying. Just lying about fucking everything.

78  2019-04-20 by beigedocumentaryfan

"I have no idea who this Patrick guy is."

"I come to the sub every day."

"That guy in the video ain't me! My name is like "Smith" in my area!"

"I wish they'd stop fucking doxing me."

"I haven't even touched dope in 10 years. I'm clean."

"Hey does anyone know where I can score some pills."

"Yeah that mod account isn't me. BigGreenYamo has proof and can confirm it."

"Hey BigGreenYamo can you tell the sub that it isn't actually me? Get them off my back? I swear it isn't btw. Thanks man."

"I'm not a faggot, I swear."

"Damn I love sucking cock."


The last line is actually true.

He was looking for pills.

Is that street slang for dongs?

No. He sucks the dongs to get the pills. Straightforward transaction

Ahhh OK.

I recoiled in disgust when he told yamo " I mean im pretty proud i beat an addiction that takes thousands of lives everyyear.

Fucking N.A. talking-point regurgitating fat fuck.

Wish he got stabbed in the halfway house


Jim not understanding what the "anonymous" in AA actually means is one of my favorite stupid things he does. The people are anonymous, not the organization, you retarded worm.

The worst part is the hypocrisy.

No the worst part is the faggotry. Then the hypocrisy

Lol you’re all shocked that a junkie lied to you about everything. THAT’S ALL THEY DO, STUPID!

Don't forget, "I'm unbanning everyone who didn't participate in doxxing"

It's crazy. No other addicts lie all the time like opiate addicts do. Why lie about things when you don't need to? I've given up in arguments over the grass being green and the sky being blue with these dopes.

I'm guessing you missed the crackhead years?

Cause Joe and Ant do the same thing.

They both lie constantly but it just isn't on the same level.

"my name is so common its like "smith" in my neighborhood"

"Im not the vape thief, someone else is"

i still can't believe he denied it even tho his fat tub of lard is on camera

What I hate most is the mumbling. When a junkie gets older you need to pay attention because they're inevitably a rambling mess even if they haven't gone completely retarded. Every thought that normal people keep to themselves gets vocalized and they mention 5 divergent things that have nothing to do with what you're talking about while they're getting to their point.

When is father's day anyway?

"I haven't even touched dope in 10 years. I'm clean."

Yeah, all the great decision making he's made in the past week is a result of a calm, rational, sober mind.

He thinks that abusing prescription medication isn't the same as being a junkie. He's just trying to justify his addiction with "but I have a prescription!"

Would you believe that's my day job at moment? Working in psychiatry and I have heard pretty much every fucking story. Either their dog ate their oxy or they had a break in and that's what was stolen.

Most addicts are made inside hospitals after surgery, those old grandma's go full junkie fast. A lot get hooked on zopiklone (imovane) or zolpidem (stilnoct) because they had sleeping disorders, that's the first medication offered by some shitty doctor

Zopiclone leaves such a shitty taste in your mouth but it's awesome

Guess i'm a addict. I legit have no idea who this pat fella is. I think i was away when it all started and i am too lazy to look back for some storylines

Lying is bad enough, but it really cuts to your core and hurts your feelings when they make it so obvious that they are lying. Like they think you are so stupid that you’ll believe them.