Well done everyone

16  2019-04-20 by Dennyislife

We've lost Anthony shouting at us when we found out about sue now.


Ironic isn't it? We always thought our words would come back to bite us... But once they are gone, we want them back.

I wonder if the documentary guys have a bunch of the video/pics saved. There was quite a few images I had never seen when those were first made.

this is why preserving knowledge is important. Somebody download those docs too because who knows when porsalin or beige might freak and do some retarded shit.

Got to make sure history isnt re-written.


Ive seen that one post enough imma try and channel it from memory

Youre delusional.

Congrats!! The collection of assholes on this sub is once again unsurpassed!!

fill in the gaps

WE ARE LAUGHING AT YOU!! None of this has any effect on our lives!

Funny he actually typed " haha Holy shit" way before we were busting his balls about it. I notice it a bunch listening to old shows too.

Denny is the only person who supported my "This Place is a Mistake" thread from three days ago, which then got deleted...

You know, between that, the auto-mod making people wait to post and all the stupid, fucking "Faggot" posts, seems like this place abandoned it's utopian vision faster than the Bolsheviks.