
5  2019-04-20 by BoomBoomorYumYum

Where the fuck are my posts?



We can get sad at what a fat heroin junkie vape thief deleted in our pasts.

But we've kept our karma. All we can do now is venture forward, eyes to the future.

Everything. Gone.

War. War never changes.

that sub had a lot of subscribers, maybe theres a way to restore it through the reddit admins..

Many were alts and inactive members. But the amount of people online is almost the same as was on the other. Which means The real population moved over. Others who haven't will find out eventually. There are a few posts on r/Scorch letting people know this is the new place.

yeah, a lot of people are upset because of all the content being lost.

I know. It's the Library of Alexandria all over again.

Sick ref