that old sub is set to private

157  2019-04-19 by Patrickisapedo

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Way to go faggots.


Someone's cashing in that 5k check.

He'll put it all into his arm by the end of the day.

I sure hope so

That needle will need to be massive.

Imagine all the vape shit you can buy with 5k

Imagine all the other shit you could buy if you steal all the vase shit.

Yeah, mostly pills & powders.

Anthony has no honor nobody is getting paid.

Anthony died 9 days ago.

If Anthony were not already lost in obscurity, I’d know if this were true or not.

I just have to assume it is

I can't believe ONE fucking heroine faggot ruined the sub. Fuck SpaceEdge.

So glad we have this place now.

Lol. So now all the old posters can't go back. Before it went to private, they had three posts in the span of three hours, and now that's exactly what they're stuck with.

Just shut the sub down, u/SpaceEdge. It's never going to be what it was again. Put a bullet in it.

Now youse can't leave

Does this mean he can collect the Cumia bounty?

This was all just an elaborate ruse.

Just report it to the admins. They don't just let delusional people shut a 27k sub down.

In a way, it's kind of poetic that a degenerate heroin addict takes out the sub instead of Anthony or anyone else. Could it have truly ended any other way?

This is exactly what happened to the old(first one-of many) Anthony Cumia show subreddit, this was before craterface sperged out. The mod there took umbrage with some of the wacky jokes and comments and made the sub private.

Dumb junkie should have taken the 5k.

Ant must be fake laughing so hard at all of you right now.

Hes probably trashed and passed out at Atlantis.

He can’t afford Atlantis anymore.

This will definitely slow the migration to the new official sub, nice job SpaceEdge.

Petty cunt did it so that the people that came on oanda less frequently would just think that the sub is gone.

Lucky for him that the people who visit frequently aren’t the most active and creative users who now have a bone to pick with him. Dumb junkie.

They’ll just search google for it and end up here

I'm here and I never even posted on the sub. Only commented when drunk, yet apparently I seem to be one of the first. Still piecing together what has happened.. What exactly did happen? Anyways I doubt any fans will have a hard time getting here, thats all I meant to say anyway.

But where will u/bonniesretardedsister go?

Cant tell. It's a secret.

Ban this piece of shit mods

I demand indescriminant banning of all the traitors who are slinking back now that they're homeless.

Oh noes.

Nah then we'd be like SpaceEdge. Let faggots crawl back & be mocked to the point of making new accounts, like Weirdfellas/Doc_McCoy back in the day.

I'm not crawling back, I was tagged in a post.

Quick, someone tag this retard in the middle of an ISIS camp.

Wtf does that even mean?

ISIS has been defeated.

Sup slut.

My dick is up, wanna suck it?

I missed you.


I said this in the other thread too but In all honesty this is so fucking pathetic and sad all at the same time.

The amount of classic content on there is absolute gold.

Instead of just walking away this miserable asshole took it all down. It’s the children’s equivalent of talking the ball we all were playing with and going home.

What a cunt

Hundreds of classic threads submitted over the past 7 years by thousands of hilarious and creative people all gone because some clueless, fat, fuck didn't like us making fun of some fucking nobody. I, no joke, hope that he dies.

I've always viewed life as very fragile and special. I always try not to wish death upon people, but if anyone deserves to die of an overdose, it's that SpaceEdge faggot.

Nice, use of commas, stupid.

Look at this book readin faggot


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His fatass is on video shoplifting some worthless vape pen that was probably broken in 2 weeks. It's not like he's got the best reputation. What's he trying to hold onto?

The vape mod box he stole was the Wismec Reuleaux RX GEN3 TC Box Mod and has a value of $49.95. They give those vape mods as complementary gifts when handing out government cheese.

I appreciate the info but also I urge to to erase all vape facts from your brain

That sub had good SEO too, there were a few topics where our threads were first page results, often in the top 3.

My best work is lost. Posting is my art.

What fucking crack magic did this guy pull where not only is the sub gone, but all of my posts on there as well have disappeared from my account.

Shit , all those sidebar images, the videos the cameos show archives.. compilation s.. hopefully the other mods can restore it.

He's booted Yamo and Toolman; I don't know who's left.

If I look at his profile, it doesnt say space edge is a mod either. Did someone else take it? That OwenHartVsGravity maybe?

Toolman posted his de-mod message and the name " null" delivered it. Not sure if thats the new mod.

I think that's a programming placeholder name

You know when even TheToolMan fags out, it's serious.

Well, Yamo stepped down on his own and was replaced by some fag with like 10k karma whose name escapes me. Then Toolman was obviously booted. That leaves the obvious alt, spaceedge, and the new guy. Doesn't matter anyway cause spaceedge had the last say and could make himself the only mod as far as i can tell

i feel like braun has a stockpile of absolutely everything, come on back buddy

What happened to him anyway?

We've been hiding him from you savage faggots for months, to save his strength.

He is a mod here.

I'm going to miss that third world wetback bitch walking around with the sign and saying feed nana.

Hell fucking yeah dude! You're a damn saint on Earth. I needed the faggy giggles from this back in my life tonight so much.

It’s the children’s equivalent of talking the ball we all were playing with and going home.

So what would be the adult equivalent?

Interrupting your dad to fuck your mom

Surely this will be the end of the saga

The hardest I've laughed in the last few years is that video of Apollo 13 combined with Joe's pathetic Peoples court appearance.. It takes a special kind of spergy faggot to ruin this.

Oh fuck forgot about that. For months I used that as a pick me up before the dreaded dinner rush where I warm up bread bowls for broccoli cheese soup and serve up overpriced bland sandwiches that you can just make at your house if you have the common sense to grocery shop fucking anywhere.

So much for amnesty

Only commies and socialists use that term, who knew the head mod was a cryptochappofag.

Can't access pretty much all my post history, it's been stolen from me as if it were under glass at a vape pen store.

I find that very odd that I can't even see my own posts in there. I get not letting other users see what's posted to a private sub but my own? I can't see them but SpaceEdge gets to sit in there alone and read my shit? Probably vaping and jacking off to stuff I said that I can't delete? I feel raped.

I fucking pray he loses his sight or glasses or some shit like the twilight zone idiot who was so excited he had time to read after everyone was gone, just with o&a posts instead of books

Like the burning of the Library at Alexandria. A disgrace.

I read that they formed a human chain and saved the most precious artifacts: the SelfCuttingGirl thread and “Ain’t It Fun”

It isn't private for me. Did he change it back?

Quick. Archive everything

Me too. I can get to the main page to see the posts but when I try to open a post I get "trouble getting to reddit" message.

Ain’t it fun?

This was God's plan all along for us to end up here.

The sub officially dies on Black Friday like the Messiah....not a coincidence

We are the true chosen people

Yeah, we're the 12 tribes of Jizrael

Is Good Friday the same as Black Friday?

I got my Jesus 75% off

It'll rise again on the third day

Rise...and fall...and rise again!

The rise and fall of the most notorious sub reddit.

It was 14 years old

So that’s why Anthony targeted it

Best comment ever--zing!

What's the point of a private sub?

Buys him time to stall and consider his next move (although careful deliberation clearly isn't in his skill set) or helps hide evidence that he's a fat junkie thief in case he's taking our bullshit threats to call the cops on him seriously.

I can’t believe that fucking lunatic dared the sub to set it’s sights on him. I would sooner publish cartoons making fun of Allah than put myself in the cross-hairs of you autistic terrorists.

Lol, seriously. Thanks nice while high, I thought about what Opie used to go through and it damn near gave me a panic attach.

The fact that Opie knew to leave it alone proves he has more self awareness than all of them

That gay boys karma also went from less than 200 earlier today to 14k now.

This retard drama is absolutely hilarious. Hopefully this sub will grow and maintain the shitty legacy of the the old sub.

I'm not sure if posts normally get retroactively hidden when a sub goes private

This is how it works, yes

Seriously, fuck this cunt. I say we make this our final mission and actually do our best to get this diabetic unfuckable slob prosecuted for theft.

The missions never end.

We are the few.

The proud.

The Faggots.

I think he's deleting his entire reddit history too. newest comment is from 2 years ago. He fucking nuked everything. Fucking awful that so much amazing content from over the years is now just gone.

He could be on probation and if the vape video does anything it could subject his whole history to be opened up.


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Fuck off, Fagbot.

The last act of a bitch made dude.

I can’t believe this fat sack of shit managed kill the O&A sub in a span of 4-5 days. Philip Marma is crying from heaven.

What a complete cunt SpaceEdge is. I wouldn't think it possible, but he is more of a faggot than Dany and JoeH combined.

The only thing missing off this sub is Joe Cumias fat bovine head in place of Beavis. I really grew to like it. Other than that, fuck the old sub.

"Make it private and I you'll Venmo me right now?"

You joke but maybe resident elite hacker /u/ants_ccw_permit can check Tranth's venmo for us?

Good thing we migrated from that shit show to a new, improved shit show.

I tried to archive it once but the programs and APIs for Reddit can suck a dick.

One man shouldn't have that much power. Now I know how white people felt about MLK.

Hey, I tried to say something about preserving the golden history on the original sub, but all you fucking dummies downvoted me to hell because we were "taking sides" in a dodgeball game, the sub wars.

Rest easy. Take solace in knowing that your digital footprint, and all of the mischief that came along with it, has now been erased. We have a clean slate. The only people who know about what went on... were there.

Barring any outside third party who may have archived big threads for some kinda expose' purpose... like that college in Texas that was "studying" our behavior: Technically, we are a brand new community.

Give us some time, reddit. We need to find our legs, foster our community, figure out what brings us all together, and hatch a few campaigns to spread our messages. I look forward to finding out what the future may hold for us!

He's such a retard that he probably doesn't even get that shutting the og sub down will send everyone here. He probably didn't even consider that and just deleted it to get revenge.

The content on that sub was amazing. So much good stuff that was easy to reference. The blame is equally shared between SpaceEdge and the Patrick assholes. I still don't understand why that nobody with no connection with O&A suddenly became the focal point of the sub.

So in a way, Patrick won. He inadvertently erased all of that history and won at the end. r/O&A was way more important than some idiot who will be forgotten in a month.

Too many people tried to shut down the sub and they all failed. At the end it was the cunts who wouldn't leave it alone and made some fat thief lose his shit and ruin it for everyone.

No it was spaceedge, retard. Patrick S. Tomlinson is a successful science fiction author and public figure and thus is fair game for ridicule.

As much as I hate Sam, Jim, Nana, Ruiz, Rapaport, Nia, Jeffries etc. Those most most hateable. There’s no one I hate more than SpaceFaggotFuck.

I wish him the worst possible slow horrible ending.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SUB! I only see memes

My one Artie blobfish post - gone, just gone. He really motherfucked me; and his eggs, his eggs are shit!

Who are these fucking neckbeards intruding on our private fun?

Why would they even be bothered to close it up? How retarded.