Liz, since you're here anyways, can you explain how you missed such a big patch? Also, have you ever just let it go to see if you could grow a full beard?

59  2019-04-19 by MonsignorScurrility


Please please please update us when she files the DCMA takedown, every one is a point for us!

Nice mustache and soul patch, piggy

Here, she can't DMCA this one. Y'all need to migrate from cucked imgur.

I usually use imgtc but the app I use just defaults to imgurrrr. Besides. I find her DMCAs funny.

she can't DMCA that because she can't prove its not Ethan Supplee.


Is this Liz person Puerto Rican by chance?

She's about 35 stone if you're a limey

My lord that's more than 200 kilograms

That's at least 100 pounds.

Patrick S(pace ethnostate) Tomlinson wouldn't hang out with a puerto Rican.

Yea thats a man

Since the circus is off for the winter she shaved most of it

No? You're not gonna talk? Just report every. single. post. about you in under a minute to the mods?


She could grow a soul patch in a week.

Nice 5 o'clock shadow, sweet summer child

Fucking gnarly


She played left tackle in high school

Hi Liz. I just wanted you to know that we all dislike you, but I especially do.

Careful buddy, she's pretty but psycho. Yuck...

Hi Liz. I hope you’re reading this. I just got some really funny info to share with you and the gang here. Lots of loffs to be had. #chaos #staytuned 🐳

Gross skin complexion. Who is this guy?
