Woah, I thought you guys were bullshitting. That tubby thieving loser in the vapeshop video was actually SpaceEdge?

157  2019-04-19 by Ant_Sucks

Unbelievable the twists that happen in this place. You fucking people scare me. The shit we gave Amy Schumer for stealing, and being fat and he has to one up her and be even fatter and gayer.

It's like our collective negative energy is willing this shit into existence.


No one here made him steal, we just put two and two together.

He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

He could clean up on a Japanese sumo wrestling team

Those guys are fairly muscular, they get fat bc they need the size,same as powerlifters. You can usually tell by looking at their forearms

His hands are too small, but big enough to palm a vape pen without paying. You know, like a grown up does when they want something.

But he had tremendous moxy for his size.

You're just a hothouse flower!

The guy is a complete piece of shit that gets butthurt over EVERYTHING.

Fuck SpaceEdge.

It's actually really him, yes. The shop got him on video and called him out on social media, so he deleted his IG and Facebook.

Did the timing just perfectly coincide or did someone find the video and then send his info to the vape shop?

Joe doxxed him then using that info people snooped around and found the vape shop that was calling him out for theft.

Joe becomes the hero.

Who the fuck is joe? Not THE joe cumia?


Wtf? He isn’t a poster here is he?

Pay attention

we have jobs motherfucker

He is a mod lmao

Wait. What? I checked out of this place a whole back. I thought the sub hated him? How the hell, and why, did he become a mod?

He's still mocked and ridiculed but he has took the ol' If you can't beat 'em, join 'em approach and it's kind of worked out. The mods here appointed him as a mod but has no power to delete/ban.

Haha. Hooooleeeee shit. Thanks for the update.

What is the fools Reddit account

He's a moderator

well he got banned for this, or suspended, has to be permanent too but im not sure.

You could almost say he's been Permanently Suspended


He's a mod here

We've truly uncovered the only scenario in which someone has reason to say "*The* Joe Cumia?"

I wonder how Joe got his personal info.

probably paid someone

Hahaha what the actual fuck

I had no clue

Hol up I know Joe has been posting but how did Joe doxx him?

him stealing from the vape shop was a little less than 2 years ago its all true though, that fat faggot really is a thieving loser

Is this what happened and how you all found out? Hahah. Jesus, man.


Get me a vape kit sam! Some hunchback retard has stolen my pen

Would a gofundme for legal costs convince this vape shop to press charges?

Oh I'm sure this storyline aint over yet

A State Prosecutor is free per se

did the vape shop file a police report? Maybe we can assist.

it was multiple vape shops, it happened 2 years ago i think. Shit, i would love to know if they did something about it aside from posting his fat face online for public shaming.

he deleted his IG and Facebook

He has a habit of deleting things when people make fun of him.

Ya' kiddin'!?

Funniest realtime video since Anthony attempted murdering Dani Golightly while asking her if she wanted to sing karaoke.

Haha yeah he was going to shoot her

That video saved her life

Where does her bringing up his vibrating anal egg rank?

There's so much nonsense on here, I completely dismissed it as a lame fat joke at first. We need a ministry of information here to ensure the right news is spread.

u/BeigeFrequency usually takes care of that

Muthafuckas act like they forgot about Beige

Just chill til the next episode

He attempted escape from the police (not in pursuit) in a Honda Fortwo, taking a sharp corner ejecting his Gundam waifu pillow. He abruptly left the scene with no regards for its survival yet witnesses describe him as emotionally distraught.

It's not surprising. O&A is show by degenerates for degenerates.

It's always typical dude stuff, a Vizio soundbar, this vape battery. Never a good old fashioned bank heist

Thing is, high functioning criminals prefer to listen to Stern: cocaine addicted stock brokers who rip off pension funds, construction workers who steal copper from the job site.

O&A is left with the dregs for who having a menial full time job is too much of a challenge.

At worst, a mod of the Stern sub is probably a 40 year old with arm tattoos who still dresses like a 15 year old, but has a wife, kid, house. He manages a Walgreens and regularly has to call the cops on O&A fans who steal lube.

God damn it stop fucking using me for your descriptions.

You've said it all.

I would argue that pulling off a successful walmart heist with a child and several drugs in your system is way harder than the average bank robbery.

Shit yeah - a nigga can rob a bank with a goddam post-it note

They caught me at walmart one time with balogne up my butthole and packs of ham and cheese in my pants. We're not the best and brightest around here.

I love how the universe works

It may be time for some of the more upstanding citizens of this sub to dox themselves. To date, every person whose identity we've known is either enormously fat and ugly, a heroin user, a child murderer, a combination of those qualities, or Bams Seed.

Don’t forget the demographic a marginally attractive middle aged woman that should be on mood stabilizers.

Can confirm I'm an alcoholic and shoplifter.

Sir, I'll have you know I'm an in-shape, good looking sperg who for whatever reason was cursed with the worst social skills and irrational fear and hatred of humanity you've ever seen. Faggot.

He was fatter than I would have thought.

This community would never ever lie to you friend.

You have to be truthful around here and treat eachother as equals. Lie and power trip? Good luck fucko we're to smart, bored and clever no one man can stand against this dumpster fire. You would think having been the mod for so long some junkie queer would have known better but say la vie.

*c’est la vie.

Nice French, stupid

Keep your coward language ciao faggot

we're to smart

what if we created a gofundme to have sex with carol? just spitballing here

We'd never lie

How many of you people are petty criminals exactly

Does it count if I take many toilet breaks while clocked in Panera

Where is this video?

This place is crazy. Seriously wtf